Letter of intent submitted by Yan Piet Maniamboy on behalf of the people of West Papua in Yapen Islands District is based on ethics (through the law to know for peace) and the law of democracy.
If the letter of reprimand was given by the district police chief in Yapen Islands, Papua, is an action that does not respect democracy and international human rights law, because their duties as police Indonesia, is in the interest of the government of Java to Islam / Indonesia itself, which is located in Jakarta.
Created on 01 June 2012 Written by Musa Abubar Category: Seputar Tanah Papua
Preach the Demonstration, Yapen Police Threaten JournalistsSerui (1/6) ---- Some of the journalists who served in Serui, Yapen Islands regency, Papua, said local police do not have to threaten to raise the news. In addition to the threat, police intimidate and terrorize. The journalist said that they are treated because of preaching the demo resident office of the Council of Representatives (DPRD) who demanded the release of the local John Nuntian, Wadapi citizens who were arrested because police suspected members of the Free Papua Movement (OPM).Contributors "newspaper" for the daily "Star of Papua ', in Serui, as confirmed tabloidjubi.com Seo, via telephone on Friday (1/6) admitted that he had intimidation and terror of the police after a demonstration covering the story, which is done by people Wadapi to Parliament on Yapen to demand the arrest of John Nuntian events.In addition to demanding the arrest, he said, residents are also demanding the authorities to treat residents in four homes, which are in the "village Kainui" since the dawn at 01:30 CDT, on Saturday, May 12, 2012. Residents demand action because the police considered violent and abusive. "People are demanding Parliament so we cover. But, after the demo, we were able to terror, "he said. Because of this, he added, the story is already written, but not sent to the editor to print up. Actually the news is interesting, because since then there are some women who follow the demo arrested for wearing a Morning Star flag.He stressed that: when the news was covered in the open field in front of the Council. "Actually, this news should be published as an open place. But, it's gone, "he said. He revealed, they (journalists) also blamed the news that is pitting the government and its people by the police. "We are accused of provocation and pitting in the news. In fact, we've confirmed with the police at the time, "she said.Seo added, from the treatment that, until now they were free to do the reporting. They are not comfortable with the existing conditions. "We still do not feel comfortable until now." He said.Not only reporter who got the star Papua intimidation, terror and provocation, and would provoke accusations of police. A similar experience of RRI journalists, in Serui, Ulis Makabori. According Ulis, police issued a statement when it is not fun. They say the police can push RRI. In fact, the demo is there the unwelcome actions of the police against the demonstrators. "There is steam that is not fun. The move is covered but the police did not accept, "he said.From other reports it receives, Ulis Makabori covering the story also got intimidated, because he wrote and preached all the events that occurred in the field occurred during the demo. When the news was broadcast the next day, Wednesday, May 30, 2012 in press Indoprima morning at 07:00 CDT, a member of the police Yapen heard the news. These members then reported to the Police. Hearing this report, the Chief of Police with "shorts" and "wearing flip-flops" with several members, went to the RRI to protest the news. They were armed to the teeth. When he arrived at the office of RRI, they go straight to the reporter for asking about Ulis Makabori these broadcasts.Salomina Ayomi, RRI Serui journalist who also co Ulis as confirmed via cell phone, saying: when the people went to the parliament, but the council is not allowed. However, before the demonstration, protesters have entered a letter to the Board. "The letter has been entered but, Parliament did not accept. They refused. Finally there is an argument with protesters citizens, "he said.
Suddenly, he added, the combined team of the TNI / police down with weapons. There is talk that is not pleasant to hear ears of citizens. Discussions and arguments with the army / police was carried by colleagues. However, police misinterpreted the news. For this reason, the Police Yapen with flip-flops and shorts to wear along with dozens of complaints to the office of RRI members. "They complain and anger to our colleagues Ulis. But, the problem is set up is complete, "said Salomina.Still, he said, until now they still feel uncomfortable. Not free to do the reporting. Intimidation and the threat of terror still haunt them. "We still do not feel safe and comfortable because there is terror," he said.Responding to intimidation by the police chief of this Serui, Chairman of AJI Jayapura, Victor Mambor, asserted that the acts of intimidation or any form which aims to impede the task of journalists or news media can not be justified."That would be contrary to the Basic Law Press. If the Chief of Police Yapen find news reporters who do not fit the facts is true or not, he should use the right to correct or right answer. Not a way to intimidate journalists." Mambor Victor said.Victor Mambor promised to continue this information to the Papua Police chief subordinates in order to foster interaction with members of the press.Of the report obtained by tabloidjubi.com, Friday (1/6), on Tuesday, May 29, 2012, on behalf of residents from the Federal Republic of West Papua to rally to the House of Representatives (DPRD) Yapen Islands District. At that time, people came to Parliament at 09.00 CEST. Residents came to the parliament for twelve aspirations and demands. Rallying point in the area at that time Kaboena, Mariadei, and the third is in the area Mantembu.In the three-point, there are three cases. In the first rallying point in the village Kaboena, there is a mother named Lea Kumbubui arrested by police for wearing the Morning Star flag. "So, at that time he was detained from 09.00 CET until the" police kepaladua "Serui then transferred to a police station until 22.00 CEST Serui newly repatriated"The second case happened to Maya Mangge mothers who also experienced the same thing that is arrested by police in a second rallying point in the Mantembu. Maya was arrested for wearing clothes like his morning star. At that time, police told Maya take her clothes off his clothes bearing the Morning Star flag.The third case, police arrested the mother Maya Kumbubui. Kumbubui arrested because he was also wearing a Morning Star flag. There is one more case, there is a male resident, led and forced by police to the Police Yapen. At the police station, he was intimidated and members of the police took his money for "five hundred twenty thousand". "The money was taken by one individual member of the police," said one resident who declined to mention protesters identity completely. As of this writing, there has been no comment from the Police Resort Yapen Islands of Papua Regional Police or the other. (Jubi / Moses Abubar)

EMERGENCY in SeruiSerui, West Papua, Thursday, August 9, 2012 09:00 Morning, Serui, District, Islands, Yapen.West Papua again denounced the panic after the burning of homes, demolition of the post-post security people, the seizure and detention of civilians in the region Angkaisera, East Yapen, by police officers who are members of the local Police force and BRIMOBDA Papua, Thursday, August 9, 2012 today struck back.Peaceful demonstration to commemorate the international day of indigenous people, which is done in Serui, with the action point of the village Yapan, Mantembu and ends at the monument in the center of the struggle Serui, Yapen Islands districts, Serui, was dispersed by force, by force of TNI / Police in the area.Police Resort Islands District Yapen, BRIMOBDA Kodim 1709 in Papua and Islands District Yapen by truck from each company, and dispersed by force at the time of the indigenous people held a mass action, which has done longmars, right in Anotaurei, with this military and the police had done the shooting, siege, beatings of journalists, chasing and capturing several civilians, including:
1. Abon (a mother), victims of beatings and arrests by the treatment apparatus
2. Pedai Y, beaten, chased and arrested by police
3. Ratna Pangkurei, beaten and arrested by police
4. Edison Kendi, beaten and arrested by police
5. Piet Yhan Maniamboi, beatings and arrests by officers
6. Bramm as journalists, beatings occurred by the authorities.
7. Ordinary Risal, chased and shot by officers
8. And much more
After performing the dissolution of the mass, the combined forces army / police command post directly to the governor NRFPB, public squares and perform demolition action on a place referred to (Yapan Village II, Village Mantembu, Serui)
Civilian casualties immediately rushed to the Police District Yapen Islands.
Their presence was issued to the news, not sure it goes as thisWe need international protection in view of international problems based on the principles of democracy and international human rights.
Surat yang didapatkan dari KAPOLRES di Kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen adalah untuk mencegah tindakan secara demokratis dari rakyat Pribumi Papua Barat, yang mana mempunyai hak berdemokrasi dan berhak atas kehidupan yang layak di tanah adat mereka sendiri, dan bukan di Pulau Jawa (Negara Indonesia).
Kesengajaan surat yang diserahkan oleh Yan Piet Maniamboy dengan mengatasnamakan bangsa Papua Barat di Kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen adalah berdasarkan etika (melalui hukum untuk diketahui secara damai) dan secara hukum demokrasi.
Apabila surat teguran itu diberikan oleh KAPOLRES di kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen, Papua, adalah satu tindakan yang tidak menghargai hukum demokrasi dan HAM Internasional, sebab tugas mereka sebagai Polisi Indonesia, adalah demi kepentingan untuk pemerintah Jawa Islam/Indonesia itu sendiri, yang berada di Jakarta.
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Seputar Tanah Papua
Created on 01 June 2012
Written by Musa Abubar
Category: Seputar Tanah Papua
Published Date
Hits: 549
Ilustrasi Pers (Googgle.com)
Kontributor surat kabar harian Bintang Papua di Serui, Seo saat dikonfirmasi tabloidjubi.com, via telepon Jumat (1/6) mengaku dirinya mendapat intimidasi dan teror dari kepolisian setelah meliput berita demonstrasi yang dilakukan warga Wadapi ke DPRD Yapen untuk menuntut peristiwa penangkapan atas John Nuntian.
Selain menuntut penangkapan tersebut, kata dia, warga juga menuntut perlakukan aparat terhadap warga diempat rumah yang ada di kampung Kainui sejak pukul 01.30 WIT dinihari pada Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012. Warga menuntut lantaran tindakan polisi dinilai melakukan kekerasan dansemena-mena. “Masyarakat menuntut DPRD jadi kami liput. Tapi, setelah demo, kami dapat teror,” tuturnya. Lantaran demikian, lanjut dia, berita tersebut sudah ditulis namun tidak dikirim ke redaksi untuk naik cetak. Sebenarnya berita tersebut menarik karena, sejak itu ada beberapa ibu yang mengikuti demo ditangkap polisi karena memakai baju bendera bintang kejora.
Dia menandaskan, padahal berita tersebut diliput di lapangan terbuka yakni di depan kantor Dewan. “Sebenarnya berita ini harus dipublikasikan karena ditempat terbuka. Tapi, ya sudah,” ujarnya. Ia mengungkapan, mereka (wartawan) juga dituding menyampaikan berita yang bersifat mengadu domba masyarakat dengan pemerintah beserta kepolisian. “Kami dituduh provakasi dan adu domba dalam pemberitaan. Padahal, kami sudah konfirmasi dengan polisi waktu itu,” ujarnya lagi.
Seo menambahkan, dari perlakuan itu, hingga kini mereka tak leluasa malakukan peliputan. Mereka tak nyaman dengan kondisi yang ada. “Kami masih rasa tidak nyaman sampai sekarang.” tuturnya.
Tak hanya wartawan Bintang Papua yang mendapat intimidasi, teror dan tuidngan provokasi serta adu domba dari polisi. Hal serupa juga dialami wartawan RRI Serui, Ulis Makabori. Menurut Ulis, pernyataan yang dikeluarkan polisi ketika itu tidak menyenangkan. Mereka mengatakan RRI memojokan polisi. Padahal, dalam demo itu ada tindakan yang tak menyenangkan dari kepolisian terhadap pendemo. “Ada unek-unek yang tidak menyenangkan. Tindakan itu diliput tapi polisi tidak terima,” ungkapnya.
Dari laporan lain yang diterima, Ulis Makabori yang meliput berita tersebut juga mendapat intimidasi, karena dirinya menulis dan memberitakan segala peristiwa yang terjadi dilapangan saat demo terjadi. Ketika beritanya disiarkan keeseokan harinya, Rabu, 30 Mei 2012 dalam siaran Indoprima pagi pada pukul 07.00 WIT, salah satu anggota kepolisian Yapen mendengar berita itu. Anggota ini lalu melaporkannya ke Kapolres. Mendengar laporan ini, Kapolres dengan celana pendek dan menggenakan sandal jepit bersama beberapa anggotanya mendatangi kantor RRI untuk memprotes pemberitaan tersebut. Mereka bersenjata lengkap. Ketika tiba di kantor RRI, mereka langsung menemui wartawan Ulis Makabori untuk menanyakan soal siarannya tersebut.
Salomina Ayomi, wartawan RRI Serui yang juga rekan Ulis saat dikonfirmasi melalui telepon selulernya mengatakan, saat itu warga mendatangi kantor DPRD namun dewan tak mengijinkan. Padahal sebelum demo, pendemo sudah memasukan surat ke Dewan. “Surat sudah masuk tapi, DPRD tidak terima. Mereka tolak. Akhirnya ada adu mulut dengan warga pengunjuk rasa,” ujarnya.
Tiba-tiba, lanjutnya, tim gabungan aparat TNI/Polri turun dengan senjata lengkap. Ada pembicaraan yang tak enak didengar ditelinga warga. Pembicaraan serta adu mulut dengan TNI/Polri itu yang dimuat oleh rekannya. Namun, polisi salah menafsirkan pemberitaan tersebut.Karena itulah, Kapolres Yapen dengan sandal jepit dan mengenakan celana pendek beserta puluhan anggotanya komplain ke kantor RRI. “Mereka komplain dan marah ke rekan kami Ulis. Tapi, masalah itu sudah diatur selesai,” ungkap Salomina.
Meski demikian, kata dia, hingga kini mereka masih merasa tidak nyaman. Tidak leluasa melakukan peliputan. Intimidasi dan ancaman teror masih menghantui mereka. “Kami masih merasa tidak aman dan nyaman karena masih ada teror,” tuturnya.
Menanggapi intimidasi yang dilakukan oleh Kapolres Serui ini, Ketua AJI Kota Jayapura, Victor Mambor, menegaskan bahwa tindakan intimidasi atau apapun bentuknya yang bertujuan untuk menghalangi tugas wartawan atau pemberitaan media massa tidak bisa dibenarkan.
"Itu tindakan yang bertentangan dengan Undang-undang Pokok Pers. Jika Kapolres Yapen merasa pemberitaan yang dilakukan wartawan tidak benar atau tidak sesuai fakta, seharusnya ia menggunakan hak koreksi atau hak jawabnya. Bukan dengan cara mengintimidasi wartawan." kata Victor Mambor.
Victor Mambor berjanji akan melanjutkan informasi ini kepada Kapolda Papua agar bisa membina bawahannya dalam berinteraksi dengan insan pers.
Dari laporan yang diperoleh tabloidjubi.com, Jumat (1/6), di Selasa 29 Mei 2012, warga yang mengatasnamakan diri dari Negara Republik Federal Papua Barat melakukan aksi demo ke Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen. Kala itu, warga datang ke DPRD pada pukul 09.00 WIT. Warga itu datang ke DPRD untuk menyampaikan aspirasinya dan dua belas tuntutan. Titik kumpul di kala itu daerah Kaboena, Mariadei dan ketiga di daerah Mantembu.
Ditiga titik tersebut, ada tiga kasus yang terjadi. Dititik kumpul pertama di kampung Kaboena, ada salah seorang ibu bernama Lea Kumbubui ditangkap polisi karena memakai baju bendera bintang kejora. “Jadi, waktu itu dia ditahan dari pukul 09.00 WIT sampai di Polsek kelapa dua Serui lalu dipindahkan ke Polres Serui sampai pukul 22.00 WIT baru dipulangkan”
Kasus kedua menimpa ibu Maya Mangge yang juga mengalami hal serupa yakni ditangkap polisi dititik kumpul kedua di daerah Mantembu. Maya ditangkap karena memakai baju bintang kejora seperti rekannya. Kala itu, polisi menyuruh Maya membuka bajunya karena bajunya berlambang bendera bintang kejora.
Kasus ketiga, polisi menangkap ibu Maya Kumbubui. Kumbubui ditangkap karena ia juga memakai baju bendera bintang kejora. Ada satu kasus lagi, ada seorang warga laki-laki, digiring paksa oleh polisi ke Polres Yapen. Di kantor polisi, lelaki itu diintimidasi lalu anggota polisi mengambil uang miliknya sebesar Rp. 520.000 (lima ratus dua puluh ribu rupiah). “Uang itu diambil oleh salah satu oknum anggota polisi,” ujar salah satu warga pendemo yang enggan menyebutkan indentitasnya. Hingga berita ini ditulis, belum ada komentar dari Kepolisian Resort Kepuluan Yapen ataupun Kepolisian Daerah Papua. (Jubi/Musa Abubar)
DARURAT di Serui
Serui, West Papua,Kamis, 9 Agustus 2012 09:00 Pagi, Serui, Kabupaten, Kepulauan, Yapen.
West Papua kembali dikecam kepanikan setelah kejadian pembakaran rumah warga, pembongkaran posko-posko keamanan warga, perampasan dan penahanan warga sipil di wilayah Angkaisera, Yapen Timur, oleh aparat kepolisian yang tergabung dalam satuan POLRESTA setempat dan BRIMOBDA Papua, Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012 hari ini dikejutkan kembali.
Aksi demonstrasi damai dalam rangka memperingati hari rakyat pribumi internasional, yang mana dilakukan di Serui, dengan titik aksi dari desa Yapan, Mantembu dan berakhir di tugu perjuangan Serui di pusat kota, kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen, Serui, dibubarkan dengan paksa, oleh satuan dari TNI/POLRI didaerah tersebut.
Kepolisian Resort Kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen, BRIMOBDA Papua dan Kodim 1709 di Kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen dengan menggunakan truk dari masing-masing kompi, dan membubarkan secara paksa pada waktu massa dari rakyat pribumi mengadakan aksi, yang mana telah melakukan longmars, tepat di Anotaurei, dengan ini militer dan polisi telah melakukan penembakan, pengepungan, pemukulan terhadap wartawan, memburu dan menangkap beberapa rakyat sipil, diantaranya:
1. Abon (seorang ibu), korban pemukulan dan penangkapan oleh perlakuan aparat
2. Pedai Y, korban pemukulan, diburu dan ditangkap oleh aparat
3. Ratna Pangkurei, korban pemukulan dan ditangkap oleh aparat
4. Edison Kendi, dipukul dan ditangkap oleh aparat
5. Yhan Piet Maniamboi, pemukulan dan penangkapan oleh aparat
6. Bramm sebagai wartawan, pemukulan terjadi oleh aparat.
7. Risal Biasa, dikejar dan ditembak oleh aparat
8. Dan masih banyak lagi
Setelah melakukan pembubaran massa, aparat gabungan TNI/POLRI langsung ke Posko gubernuran NRFPB, tempat berkumpulnya massa aksi dan melakukan pembongkaran pada tempat dimaksud (Desa Yapan II, desa Mantembu, Serui)
Korban rakyat sipil langsung dilarikan ke Polresta Kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen. Keberadaan mereka hingga berita ini dikeluarkan, belum pasti kelanjutannya sementara ini
Kita membutuhkan perlindungan internasional dalam melihat permasalahan internasional yang berdasarkan atas asas demokrasi dan HAM Internasional.
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