Senin, 27 Mei 2013 | 23:13 WIB
Author: Sandro Slot | Friday, May 17, 2013 | 11:00 pm
This is a shame, a shame for you. It discredits any claim you might make as a an institution with moral intentions.
Magnis who contacted, Friday (17/05/2013), confirmed that himself sent a letter of protest to the ACF. Letters sent to ACF via e-mail on Wednesday (15/05/2013), after he heard the plan of the award from the mass media. Until now, he said, there has been no response from the ACF.
"The President would be given the award, I have no comment. But if called award for his services to promote tolerance, I strongly object. During nearly 10 years of religious tolerance in Indonesia is reduced," said Magnis.
Magnis wrote in his letter, the award will only embarrass ACF. According Magnis, for 8.5 years in the leadership of President Yudhoyono, Indonesia precisely minorities in distress situations. President did not even give a word to call people to respect the rights of minorities.
Here's a protest letter obtained by, from Romo Magnis:
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation (ACF),
I am a Catholic Priest and professor of philosophy in Jakarta. In Indonesia we learnt that you are going to bestow this year's World Stateman Award to our President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono because of his merits regarding religious tolerance.
This is a shame, a shame for you. It discredits any claim you might make as a an institution with moral intentions.
How can you take such a decision without asking concerned people in Indonesia? Hopefully you have not made this decission in response to prodding by people of our Government or of the entourage of the President.
Do you not know about the growing difficulties of Christians to get permits for opening places of prayer, about the growing number of forced closures of churches, about the growth of regulations tha make worshipping for minorities more difficult, thus about growing intolerance on the grassroot level?
And particularly, have you never heard about the shameful and quite dangerous attitudes of hardline religious groups towards so called deviant teachings, meaning members of the Achmadiyah and the Shia communities, and the government of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono just doing nothing and saying nothing to protect them? Hundreds of their people have under Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's presidentship been driven out of their houses, they still live miserably in places like sports halls, there have allready Achmadis and Shia people been killed (so that the question arises whether Indonesia will deteriorate to conditions like Pakistan dan Iran [favor of President G. W. Bush] where every months hundreds of Shia people are being killed because of religious motivations)?
Do you not know that President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono during his up to now 8 1/2 years in office has not a single time said something to the Indonesian people, that they should respect their minorities? That he has shamefully avoided responsibility regarding growing violence towards Achmadiyah and Shia people?
Again, whom did you ask for information before making you award choice? What could be your motivation to bestow upon this President a reward for religious tolerance who so obviously lacks any courage to do his duty protecting minorities?
I have to add that I am not a radical, not even a "human right extremist" (if such exist). I am just appaled about so much hypocrisy. You are playing in the hands of those - still few - radicals that want to purify Indonesia of all what they regard as heresies and heathen.
Franz Magnis-Suseno SJ
Earlier, presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha said that all parties should be assessed by an objective appreciation of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation (ACF) which will be given to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Assessment should not be using the wrong interpretation of political philosophy.
"Awards are presented in the context of one's statesmanship considered meritorious and successful for peace, religious tolerance, and democracy," said Julian, Thursday (16/05/2013) night. He said, ACF is an independent agency and has good credibility.
More comments relevant Julian protest over the award read: Istana: Tolong Nilai dengan Obyektif Penghargaan ACF untuk Presiden
Editor :
Heru Margianto
Julian Aldrin Pasha
( Palace: Help with Objective Value ACF for Presidential Award
Friday, May 17, 2013 | 2:03 pm
JAKARTA, - Presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha said that all parties should be assessed by an objective appreciation of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation (ACF) which will be given to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Assessment should not be using the wrong interpretation of political philosophy.
"Awards are presented in the context of one's statesmanship considered meritorious and successful for peace, religious tolerance, and democracy," said Julian, Thursday (16/05/2013) night. He said, ACF is an independent agency and has good credibility.
ACF, said Julian, also gave a similar award, the World Statesman Award, the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, President of South Korea, and the Prime Minister of Canada. "The institute has several times giving awards to the heads of state such as the Prime Minister of Canada, President of South Korea, the German Chancellor, and the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown," he said.
Julian also says there have always been requests to reward the President. "If then the award of the AFC questioned by a person or group of people in the country, of course we listen to it in the context of freedom of speech and expression," he said.
However, Julian regrets if any party on behalf of the group then protested the award and insisted that the ACF attack. "However, if the view of the representatives on behalf of a community then protested by forcing it to reject the plan of award by ACF, which was openly as he represents all, then it is clearly a narrow perspective based on the interpretation of political philosophy minus ethics," he blasted.
According to Julian, "So really protest against the plan of award referred to simply make people here know that there are still people who are narrow-minded to the head of state." Julian hopes the ACF did not feel harassed over the protest and can understand it.
Annisa Palupi Auliani
Petitioning Rabbi Arthur Schneier
SBY is No Statesman! - Foundation should withdraw World Statesman Award to Indonesia's President
Petition by
East Timor and Indonesia Action Network
Indonesia's Islamic Revolution is the game of the political elite of Indonesia in Jakarta government itself
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