Indonesia to execute 6 for drug offenses
cocaine smuggler Marco Archer Cardoso Moreira pictured at a press
conference in Jakarta after his arrest in August 2003.
Story highlights
- Six people convicted of drug offenses face imminent execution, says Indonesian official
- The condemned, including five foreigners, had their appeals for clemency rejected by the president
- Rights groups have slammed the resumption of executions, after an execution-free 2014
people, including five foreigners, face execution by firing squad in
coming days in Indonesia, as the country's new president upholds a hard
line on drug offenders.
executions were announced Thursday by Indonesia's recently appointed
Attorney General HM Prasetyo, who said in a statement that preparations
for the executions were almost complete.
said the executions had been scheduled after petitions for clemency to
Indonesian President Joko Widodo were rejected late last month. Widodo
had previously told a university audience he planned to reject the 64
appeals for clemency he had received from drug offenders on death row.
four men and two women to be executed hailed from Brazil, Malawi,
Nigeria, the Netherlands, Vietnam and Indonesia, said Prasetyo.
them is Brazilian Marco Archer Cardoso Moreira, 53, who would be the
first of his countrymen ever to be legally executed abroad, said
Leonardo Monteiro, counselor at the Embassy of Brazil in Jakarta.
embassy of Brazil is doing its best to try to postpone the execution,"
he told CNN, saying it was scheduled for this weekend.
"We are trying everything we can through the proper channels."
Brazil does not have the death penalty on its books, he said.
condemned man had been in jail since 2003, after having been caught at
Jakarta airport with 13 kilograms of cocaine, he said.
to death in 2004, he lodged a petition for clemency in 2010, according
to a statement from the Attorney General's office.
government of the Netherlands is also protesting the planned execution
of Indonesian-born Dutch citizen Ang Kiem Soei, who was condemned to
death in 2003 for drug trafficking.
Netherlands resolutely condemns the planned execution," Friso Wijnen,
spokesman for the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Netherlands, told CNN,
adding that his government was making "every effort to the highest
level" to prevent it.
Also sentenced to
death and facing likely execution this year are the two Australian
ringleaders of the so-called "Bali Nine" ring, arrested in 2005 with
more than 8 kg of heroin.
Human rights groups have slammed the executions, calling for them to be stopped.
rising crime rates is a legitimate goal of President Widodo's
administration, but the death penalty is not the answer and does not
work as a deterrent to crime," said Rupert Abbott, Amnesty
International's research director for Southeast Asia and the Pacific.
Kine, deputy director of Human Rights Watch's Asia division, accused
Indonesia of double standards in lobbying to prevent the execution of
its nationals overseas, but refusing requests by the Brazilian
government to extradite Moreira to serve out his sentence in his home
Indonesia, which has extremely strict drug laws, carries out executions by firing squad.
The country resumed executions in 2013 after a four year break, but no executions were carried out in 2014.
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Share this and safe the people life in fair of justice to protect humanitarian perspective issues.
Indonesian Law as
UUD=> Undang-undang Dasar (Constitution) 1945 are the illegal law as
the mask law, and the Law of RIS=> the Unitary of Federal Republic of
Indonesia is legitimate as it is according to the truth history and
it's law of the agreement of RTC (Round Table Conference) in Dan Haag in

Death Penalty for the trafficking of drugs in Bali?
Or it is mistaken that Jakarta government should be stated according to
reality that Indonesian governments in Jakarta acts to make him self
more status as a killer?
Australian, America etc have to follow the truth of history of Indonesian federal, and start act now through the UN convention policies and it's law, as we know that the state government in Jakarta are criminal government, and they should follow the law in a proper way that it should be for them to follow. The principles of the policies and its law, it will made the way to solved the problems correctly.
Republic of Indonesia are illegal, and human rights cases etc are foolish information that they give to the international communities to know through the government partner that not strong enough to stand for the truths, it is because to protect their relationship in diplomatic-politics, business, and etc.
Australian, America etc have to follow the truth of history of Indonesian federal, and start act now through the UN convention policies and it's law, as we know that the state government in Jakarta are criminal government, and they should follow the law in a proper way that it should be for them to follow. The principles of the policies and its law, it will made the way to solved the problems correctly.
Republic of Indonesia are illegal, and human rights cases etc are foolish information that they give to the international communities to know through the government partner that not strong enough to stand for the truths, it is because to protect their relationship in diplomatic-politics, business, and etc.
The constitution of every federal state of Indonesia must follow the law of RIS.
No "Death Penalty".
Read the RIS Constitution:
The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia union (RIS).
(Decree of the President of the RIS, January 31, 1950 No: 48) LN. 50-3 (d.u February 6, 1950)
part V
The rights and freedoms of human
Article 7:
1). Each person is recognized as a person with laws
2). Every person is entitled to demand equal treatment and protection by the law.
3). Any person entitled to claim the same protection against every recent development, and to each of incitement to such recent development.
4). Everyone is entitled to legal aid-indeed of the judges assigned to it, against acts contrary to basic rights that allowed for him according to law.
Article 15
1). No offender, or criminal penalties may be threatened spoils all the effects on people who have been guilty.
2). Not one civil penalties result in death, or loss of any rights of citizenship.
No "Death Penalty".
Read the RIS Constitution:
The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia union (RIS).
(Decree of the President of the RIS, January 31, 1950 No: 48) LN. 50-3 (d.u February 6, 1950)
part V
The rights and freedoms of human
Article 7:
1). Each person is recognized as a person with laws
2). Every person is entitled to demand equal treatment and protection by the law.
3). Any person entitled to claim the same protection against every recent development, and to each of incitement to such recent development.
4). Everyone is entitled to legal aid-indeed of the judges assigned to it, against acts contrary to basic rights that allowed for him according to law.
Article 15
1). No offender, or criminal penalties may be threatened spoils all the effects on people who have been guilty.
2). Not one civil penalties result in death, or loss of any rights of citizenship.
Indonesia untuk melaksanakan 6 untuk pelanggaran narkoba

Kokain Brasil penyelundup Marco Archer Cardoso Moreira digambarkan pada
konferensi pers di Jakarta setelah penangkapannya pada bulan Agustus
Cerita highlights
- Enam orang yang dihukum karena kejahatan narkoba menghadapi eksekusi segera, kata pejabat Indonesia
- The mengutuk, termasuk lima warga asing, telah permohonan grasi mereka kepada ditolak oleh presiden
- Kelompok hak asasi manusia mengecam dimulainya kembali eksekusi, setelah eksekusi bebas 2014
Enam orang, termasuk lima warga asing, eksekusi wajah oleh regu tembak
dalam beberapa hari mendatang di Indonesia, sebagai presiden baru negara
itu menjunjung tinggi garis keras pada pelaku narkoba.
Eksekusi diumumkan Kamis oleh baru-baru ini ditunjuk Jaksa Agung HM
Prasetyo di Indonesia, yang mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan bahwa
persiapan untuk eksekusi yang hampir selesai.
Ia mengatakan eksekusi telah dijadwalkan setelah petisi grasi kepada Presiden Indonesia Joko Widodo ditolak akhir bulan lalu.
Widodo sebelumnya mengatakan kepada penonton universitas ia berencana
untuk menolak 64 permohonan grasi yang dia terima dari pelaku narkoba
hukuman mati.
Empat pria dan dua wanita yang akan dieksekusi berasal dari Brasil,
Malawi, Nigeria, Belanda, Vietnam dan Indonesia, kata Prasetyo.
Di antara mereka adalah Brasil Marco Archer Cardoso Moreira, 53, yang
akan menjadi yang pertama dari bangsanya pernah secara hukum
dilaksanakan di luar negeri, kata Leonardo Monteiro, konselor di
Kedutaan Besar Brasil di Jakarta.
"Kedutaan Brasil adalah melakukan yang terbaik untuk mencoba untuk
menunda eksekusi," katanya kepada CNN, mengatakan itu dijadwalkan untuk
akhir pekan ini.
"Kami berusaha segala yang kami bisa melalui saluran yang tepat."
Brasil tidak memiliki hukuman mati pada buku, katanya.
Si terhukum telah di penjara sejak tahun 2003, setelah tertangkap di bandara Jakarta dengan 13 kilogram kokain, katanya.
Dijatuhi hukuman mati pada tahun 2004, ia mengajukan permohonan grasi
pada tahun 2010, menurut pernyataan dari kantor Kejaksaan Agung.
Pemerintah Belanda juga memprotes eksekusi direncanakan warga negara
Belanda kelahiran Indonesia Ang Kiem Soei, yang dijatuhi hukuman mati
pada tahun 2003 untuk perdagangan narkoba.
"Belanda tegas mengutuk eksekusi direncanakan," Friso Wijnen, juru
bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri Belanda, mengatakan kepada CNN,
menambahkan bahwa pemerintahnya sedang melakukan "segala upaya untuk
tingkat tertinggi" untuk mencegahnya.
Juga dihukum mati dan menghadapi kemungkinan pelaksanaan tahun ini
adalah dua pemimpin kelompok Australia yang disebut "Bali Nine" cincin,
ditangkap pada tahun 2005 dengan lebih dari 8 kg heroin.
Kelompok hak asasi manusia mengecam eksekusi, meminta mereka untuk berhenti.
"Mengatasi tingkat kejahatan meningkat adalah tujuan yang sah dari
pemerintahan Presiden Widodo, tetapi hukuman mati bukanlah jawaban dan
tidak bekerja sebagai pencegah kejahatan," kata Rupert Abbott, direktur
riset Amnesty International untuk Asia Tenggara dan Pasifik.
Phelim Kine, wakil direktur Divisi Asia Human Rights Watch, menuduh
Indonesia standar ganda dalam melobi untuk mencegah eksekusi warga
negaranya di luar negeri, tapi menolak permintaan oleh pemerintah Brasil
untuk mengekstradisi Moreira untuk melayani hukumannya di negara
Indonesia, yang memiliki undang-undang narkoba sangat ketat, melakukan eksekusi oleh regu tembak.
Negara ini dilanjutkan eksekusi pada tahun 2013 setelah istirahat empat
tahun, tetapi tidak ada eksekusi dilakukan pada tahun 2014.
Berita sebelumnya:
Berbagi dan aman kehidupan orang-orang dalam peradilan yang adil untuk melindungi masalah perspektif kemanusiaan.

Australia, Amerika dll harus mengikuti kebenaran sejarah federal Indonesia, dan mulai bertindak sekarang melalui kebijakan konvensi PBB dan hukum itu, seperti yang kita tahu bahwa pemerintah negara di Jakarta pemerintahan kriminal, dan mereka harus mengikuti hukum dalam yang tepat cara yang harus bagi mereka untuk mengikuti. Prinsip-prinsip kebijakan dan hukum, itu akan membuat cara untuk memecahkan masalah dengan benar.
Republik Indonesia adalah ilegal, dan kasus-kasus HAM dll informasi bodoh yang mereka berikan kepada masyarakat internasional untuk mengetahui melalui mitra pemerintah yang tidak cukup kuat untuk berdiri untuk kebenaran, itu karena untuk melindungi hubungan mereka diplomatik politik, bisnis , dan lain-lain.
Konstitusi setiap negara federal Indonesia harus mengikuti hukum RIS.
Tidak ada "Hukuman Mati".
Baca Konstitusi RIS:
Konstitusi Republik Indonesia serikat (RIS).
(Keputusan Presiden RIS, 31 Januari 1950 No: 48) LN. 50-3 (d.u 6 Februari 1950)
bagian V
Hak dan kebebasan manusia
Pasal 7:
1). Setiap orang diakui sebagai seseorang dengan hukum
2). Setiap orang berhak untuk menuntut perlakuan yang sama dan perlindungan hukum.
3). Setiap orang berhak untuk mengklaim perlindungan yang sama terhadap setiap perkembangan terbaru, dan untuk masing-masing hasutan untuk perkembangan baru tersebut.
4). Setiap orang berhak atas bantuan hukum-memang para hakim yang ditugaskan untuk itu, terhadap tindakan yang bertentangan dengan hak-hak dasar yang memungkinkan baginya menurut hukum.
Pasal 15
1). Tidak ada pelaku, atau pidana mungkin terancam rampasan semua efek pada orang yang telah bersalah.
2). Tidak satu hukuman akibat sipil dalam kematian, atau kehilangan hak kewarganegaraan.
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