Published On:January 11, 2015
Posted by Niugini Nius
Guffa: FREEDOM is long overdue for West Papua
The Governor of Papua New Guinea's Oro Province, Gary Juffa took to the social media on the West Papua's freedom. Governor Juffa stated in social media that "the time is here now when we can no longer ignore the cries of our people in West Papua. yes, they are indeed our people, Melanesians like you and I who have dreams and aspirations of living as FREE PEOPLE on their own land. We must all rise up in a wave of solidarity that must become a tsunami of indignation at the atrocities committed by Western and UN, sanctioned Indonesian Armed Forces and militia. There is no room here for apathy or denial. We must act, 2015 starts for me with this conviction. I will not be deterred by the seemingly overwhelming forces. The truth must be told. Freedom is long overdue for West Papua".
Mr Juffa called on the United Nations to undo their act of inhumanity in 1965 when they handed West Papua unlawfully to Indonesia for the economic and political interests of the West.
He said, "a petition is being prepared and a series of forums, marches and gatherings to discuss and find ways forward and to shout out loudly for the world to hear will be organized. We can and must all contribute in some way shape or form. We cannot be claiming to be Free when our people in West Papua continue to remain shackled for the sake of profit and greed".
See more relevant News at: Republic of South Maluku (Moluccas)
Diterbitkan Pada: 11 Januari 2015
Diposkan oleh Niugini Nius
Guffa: FREEDOM sudah lama terlambat untuk Papua Bara
Mr Juffa meminta PBB untuk membatalkan tindakan mereka dan TV pada tahun 1965 ketika mereka menyerahkan Papua Barat secara tidak sah ke Indonesia untuk kepentingan ekonomi dan politik Barat.
Lihat Berita yang lebih relevan pada: Republic of South Maluku (Moluccas)
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