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Big mistake for the Government of Indonesia in involving himself with the ideology of evil.
by Paul Bastian Souisa on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at 4:09am ·
Everything is explained on this note in accordance with the reality of life not to hate but to look at the problem carefully, and to create justice for the improvement of living which is true.
Genesis misery of life in the Indonesian government due to the Arab political game behind the scenes, because of crazy ideology that developed as the religion of Islam, so that the killing among brothers happening in the various aspects of life.
There are several little about the state of the history of Maluku, which is currently the Moluccas in the colonial powers of the Government of Java / Indonesia, here we need to look carefully, because the dirty political game or program which is conducted by the Government of Java / Indonesia with the Arabs against Maluku people , and against any nation in the former Dutch colony, where they use religion as a political bridge to dominate a country Islands, or even dominate a country Continent.
Introduce a little history of Muhammad with his ideology, and the introduction of the international world of Maluku:
595 Mohammed, the founder of Islam, married a rich widow of spices, their followers missionary spirit combined with the spice trade in the East, making the construction of the first spice monopoly, while the spread of Islam.
900 Venice has risen as a commercial force, especially the spices, when he began to lead Europe in the Dark Ages.
Crusades began in 1095, warned of the potential for opportunists to the Eastern trade, and the need to liberate the Holy Land from the Muslims.
A 1165 letter allegedly written by the famous Prester John forged widespread in Europe, stimulating the reader with the possibility of a Christian kingdom in the East.
1298 Marco Polo returned to Venice from a long trip to Asia the story of spices that can be found. So Europe has awakened the possibility of direct trade in the East.
1400 Travel of Sir John Mandeville is published by a British knight describes the experience of real and fantastic in the East. The invention of printing by mid-century, this story wide audience.
Port of Malacca in 1402 on the basis of peninsular Malaysia by Prince Paramesvara, a refugee from Sumatra. Working in Seville cathedral began.
1418 Portuguese Prince Henry the Navigator founded the academy to promote navigation Spice Quest East.
History proved until now, that we feel a sense of interdependence with the land blessed by God to human beings on this earth.
Conclusion The history of the world, which has been significantly, and the constraints that must be addressed, because of the evil plans that have been programmed, and is being implemented / conducted, namely:
a). After Muhammad was born into the world, and has become a major obstacle to political competition today in the human world. Muhammad plans in the world is that it should create a global Islamic empire, as the reason that he considers himself to be a prophet, and had convinced his friends and followers. Before Muhammad died in 632, he has become king in the Arabian Peninsula, which is the first step theocracy of the Islamic State. Mandate and teachings of Muhammad as contained in the Quran, such as:
Based on research Pilgrim Islamic leaders in the Koran JUZ 30 consists of 114 letters, and 6666 verses, which relate to Faith. Islamic Sharia law, and in general we can draw three basic core, namely:
1). Spread the obligation by the followers of the religion of Islam is the goal for "the establishment of the State Islamic theocracy" in the world, wherever they are, then the country is cultivated in the short or long term to become the State Islamic theocracy. It can be concluded from the passage, 5 ALMAIDAH 51 which reads:
"O you who believe (Muslims), do not take the" Jews and Christians "to" be your leader ", and why do you" raise infidels "to" being your leader. "(Hadith / commands of the Prophet Muhammad).
So here understanding that: They live in a country, where the state concerned "does not follow the Islamic Shariah," they "would not recognize" that the "Leader of the country concerned," it is "their leader", with the exception of Leader of the country concerned , or the country they live, has been implementing the Islamic Sharia, then they will admit that it is a state leader as a "leader" for them.
2). The spread of Islam and Sharia law is not made on the basis of love, but with "War and totalitarian basis," we see that as evidence of the relevant paragraph is as follows:
In the Quran letter, 4 AN NISSAA 84, states: "So fight ye the way of God, the spirit is waged for the believers to fight".
In the Quran the letter, 49 AL HUJURAAT 15, states: "Verily those who believe in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad, and then they did not hesitate to jihad / war".
In the Quran the letter, 48 AL FATH 16, states: "Say to the Bedouins who still remains: You will be invited to fight against a people which has had enormous power, you will fight against them or their surrender to Islam. So if you meet this solicitation, Allah will reward you. "
The great strength which are intended by Muhammad, namely: To "Christians and Jews", and eradicate them.
And similar verses are much more eg: letters Quran, Al-Baqarah 2 216, 8 AL ANFAAL 15-16, 9 AT Tawbah 29, 38-55, 123 and others.
3). Islamic law in terms of "Criminal and Civil", not based on the basis of "love", but based on the "intolerance", "Cruel", and not "fair", which we were brought up as evidence include:
a). Cut the hands and feet, and killed, a letter found in the Quran, 5 Al Maidah 33, for those who defy the order of Muhammad.
b). Cut the hands of thieves, the letter contained in the Koran, 5 Al Maidah 38.
c). In a "life sentence", sometimes "replaced" by throwing harlots (WTS) "by" using stone ", found in the Koran letter, 24 AN NISSAA 15.
d). The suspect will be punished with "100 blows" with "using rattan or cane" for those who "seized" of the act which relate to "having an affair", contained in the letter of the Koran, 24 AN Nuur 2.
e). Having to keep embracing Islam, though not at ease anymore for them, and cancel Inheritance Rights for those apostates (out of the religion of Islam). (Hadit / command of the Prophet Muhammad).
f). "Unfair" and "set the distribution of the estate" between "men and women", because "men will get 2 parts", while "females get the first part of it", contained in a letter Quran, 4 AN NISSAA 11.
This seems a clear injustice to the Law of polygamy, where a man may be wives to 4 wives at once, so many concubines / HAREM when able, while the wife, let alone messing around with other men, while a little negligent, then it can be left by the husband without a divorce, and the wife has no right to divorce her husband, did not even have the right to marry again, and left by her husband just like that, without giving assurance / annuity for his wife, and act like it is the right of a husband.
(Given that culture and a different system of government as it is oppressive of women's right to life in a position like that).
g). Threatening hellfire for those who like: alpha prayers, refused to join the war, refused to fasting, refusing to give alms, to escape from the war, refused to infidel people who are not Muslims, including Christians and Jews .
In the Quran letter, 5 AL Maaidah 82, clearly and unequivocally states that:
A Christian is a close friend of the Muslims as well, and add recognition of Muhammad for Muslims, that their religion is the "continuation" of the "religion of the Torah and the Christian Bible." So the "75%" of the "Quran" is "taken from the Torah and the Gospel", and "25%" complete Al-Quran is from "the ideas of Muhammad" with "his friends or followers".
So the "lessons" and "mandate" from the "Prophet Muhammad" until now "happening", and "being in the process of gradually climbing to create a theocracy of the Islamic world", the aim of the attacks of Arab politics is to do it together with the Government of the Islamic Java / Indonesia from used to date is: through the "Moluccas", which Maluku is the "door of the world", and "wants" of them are, to "sign in" to each "Pacific nation", to "dominate" all natural resources in the Pacific through Islamic ideology, and "use natural Maluku" is for "economic stability of the western world is unstable in all forms of political phenomena in the world", which "has occurred in parts of asia and the West".
War in Madina is the result of the monopoly nature of "Muhammad" himself, so that the Jews driven out by the "war (Jihad)", which has been done by Him. The founder of Islam in the world, is derived from Muhammad himself, so the influence of this religion to the East portion of the world, resulting from the "spice trade" at the time, in "SPICE ISLAND (MALUKU)" at "1600 years ago".
Gradual emergence of Islam:
1). The flow of the religion of Islam, which starts from the Maluku Islands because the world trade of spices, so that the people of Parsi and Gujarati, which came to buy spices, and while spreading Islam in Maluku.
2). At the time Hongitoten War 1636-1646, the Dutch killed as many as 15,000 people Moluccan Christians, and then after that, the Dutch Government has incorporated Islamic transmigration from Java, Sulawesi (Buton), and Arab genetic mixture of Java.
And after the completion of the "Dutch dominance" in "World War 2", "Japan occupied the Moluccas", and had committed "colonization, in the Moluccas", for "3 years", that is: from "1942 to the year 1945". After "Japan ended", "Dutch go again" to "dominate Maluku" to the "1950", "after the Proclamation RMS (South Maluku Republic) on 25 April 1950", the Dutch "leaving the city of Ambon, Maluku," with "uses" ship "KPM INTAN CITY", and "bring KNIL (Dutch soldiers from Maluku)" located on the island of Java at the time, to "carry" to "the Netherlands" by "the Dutch government," but "the will from "the KNIL (original Dutch troops from Maluku)", that they "want" to "help the military forces of Maluku", which "is the guerrilla, to fight the army of Indonesia" which is in "intervention" to "Moluccas", and the history of it is the "political game" between the two countries: "The Netherlands" and "rule of Islamic Java / Indonesia" in friendship to maintain or dominate natural Maluku., and Indonesian military offensive led by: the first President of Indonesia, namely: "Ir Sukarno," in the incident, that "the Indonesian military assistance" from the "Dutch government" with "heavy weapons equipment", and while the "United Nations" at the time it was returned "silent" about the state of the Moluccas.
From the results of the political games of the rule of Islamic Java / Indonesia on diplomatic relations in politics, which was conducted jointly by the Dutch government at the time, and after the military intervention of Indonesia to the Moluccas, and after the success of the government's Islamic Java / Indonesia to dominate in the country Moluccas, Islam transmigration input massively from 1952 to the present by the government of the Islamic Java / Indonesia based in Jakarta.
Islamization program is done throughout the islands in the former Dutch colony, and to the continent of Australia in accordance with the objectives of the creation of Muhammad's teachings ideology together with colleagues, which I mentioned above as an explanation of the Qur'an, which followed by the government of the Islamic Java / Indonesia through it to their political ideology.
And the Dutch colonization of the system, followed by the administration of Islamic Java / Indonesia, for the sake of political gain Jakarta itself, which is incorporated on the basis of their political ideology as well. http://souisapaul81.blogspot.com.au/2012/09/history-of-world-from-beginning-can-be.html
Links below are examples of everything that happened, which has been described in accordance with the attachment system in the dirty politics Religious, Friendship, Economics, Culture, etc.:
Genesis misery of life in the Indonesian government due to the Arab political game behind the scenes, because of crazy ideology that developed as the religion of Islam, so that the killing among brothers happening in the various aspects of life.
There are several little about the state of the history of Maluku, which is currently the Moluccas in the colonial powers of the Government of Java / Indonesia, here we need to look carefully, because the dirty political game or program which is conducted by the Government of Java / Indonesia with the Arabs against Maluku people , and against any nation in the former Dutch colony, where they use religion as a political bridge to dominate a country Islands, or even dominate a country Continent.
Introduce a little history of Muhammad with his ideology, and the introduction of the international world of Maluku:
595 Mohammed, the founder of Islam, married a rich widow of spices, their followers missionary spirit combined with the spice trade in the East, making the construction of the first spice monopoly, while the spread of Islam.
900 Venice has risen as a commercial force, especially the spices, when he began to lead Europe in the Dark Ages.
Crusades began in 1095, warned of the potential for opportunists to the Eastern trade, and the need to liberate the Holy Land from the Muslims.
A 1165 letter allegedly written by the famous Prester John forged widespread in Europe, stimulating the reader with the possibility of a Christian kingdom in the East.
1298 Marco Polo returned to Venice from a long trip to Asia the story of spices that can be found. So Europe has awakened the possibility of direct trade in the East.
1400 Travel of Sir John Mandeville is published by a British knight describes the experience of real and fantastic in the East. The invention of printing by mid-century, this story wide audience.
Port of Malacca in 1402 on the basis of peninsular Malaysia by Prince Paramesvara, a refugee from Sumatra. Working in Seville cathedral began.
1418 Portuguese Prince Henry the Navigator founded the academy to promote navigation Spice Quest East.
History proved until now, that we feel a sense of interdependence with the land blessed by God to human beings on this earth.
Conclusion The history of the world, which has been significantly, and the constraints that must be addressed, because of the evil plans that have been programmed, and is being implemented / conducted, namely:
a). After Muhammad was born into the world, and has become a major obstacle to political competition today in the human world. Muhammad plans in the world is that it should create a global Islamic empire, as the reason that he considers himself to be a prophet, and had convinced his friends and followers. Before Muhammad died in 632, he has become king in the Arabian Peninsula, which is the first step theocracy of the Islamic State. Mandate and teachings of Muhammad as contained in the Quran, such as:
Based on research Pilgrim Islamic leaders in the Koran JUZ 30 consists of 114 letters, and 6666 verses, which relate to Faith. Islamic Sharia law, and in general we can draw three basic core, namely:
1). Spread the obligation by the followers of the religion of Islam is the goal for "the establishment of the State Islamic theocracy" in the world, wherever they are, then the country is cultivated in the short or long term to become the State Islamic theocracy. It can be concluded from the passage, 5 ALMAIDAH 51 which reads:
"O you who believe (Muslims), do not take the" Jews and Christians "to" be your leader ", and why do you" raise infidels "to" being your leader. "(Hadith / commands of the Prophet Muhammad).
So here understanding that: They live in a country, where the state concerned "does not follow the Islamic Shariah," they "would not recognize" that the "Leader of the country concerned," it is "their leader", with the exception of Leader of the country concerned , or the country they live, has been implementing the Islamic Sharia, then they will admit that it is a state leader as a "leader" for them.
2). The spread of Islam and Sharia law is not made on the basis of love, but with "War and totalitarian basis," we see that as evidence of the relevant paragraph is as follows:
In the Quran letter, 4 AN NISSAA 84, states: "So fight ye the way of God, the spirit is waged for the believers to fight".
In the Quran the letter, 49 AL HUJURAAT 15, states: "Verily those who believe in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad, and then they did not hesitate to jihad / war".
In the Quran the letter, 48 AL FATH 16, states: "Say to the Bedouins who still remains: You will be invited to fight against a people which has had enormous power, you will fight against them or their surrender to Islam. So if you meet this solicitation, Allah will reward you. "
The great strength which are intended by Muhammad, namely: To "Christians and Jews", and eradicate them.
And similar verses are much more eg: letters Quran, Al-Baqarah 2 216, 8 AL ANFAAL 15-16, 9 AT Tawbah 29, 38-55, 123 and others.
3). Islamic law in terms of "Criminal and Civil", not based on the basis of "love", but based on the "intolerance", "Cruel", and not "fair", which we were brought up as evidence include:
a). Cut the hands and feet, and killed, a letter found in the Quran, 5 Al Maidah 33, for those who defy the order of Muhammad.
b). Cut the hands of thieves, the letter contained in the Koran, 5 Al Maidah 38.
c). In a "life sentence", sometimes "replaced" by throwing harlots (WTS) "by" using stone ", found in the Koran letter, 24 AN NISSAA 15.
d). The suspect will be punished with "100 blows" with "using rattan or cane" for those who "seized" of the act which relate to "having an affair", contained in the letter of the Koran, 24 AN Nuur 2.
e). Having to keep embracing Islam, though not at ease anymore for them, and cancel Inheritance Rights for those apostates (out of the religion of Islam). (Hadit / command of the Prophet Muhammad).
f). "Unfair" and "set the distribution of the estate" between "men and women", because "men will get 2 parts", while "females get the first part of it", contained in a letter Quran, 4 AN NISSAA 11.
This seems a clear injustice to the Law of polygamy, where a man may be wives to 4 wives at once, so many concubines / HAREM when able, while the wife, let alone messing around with other men, while a little negligent, then it can be left by the husband without a divorce, and the wife has no right to divorce her husband, did not even have the right to marry again, and left by her husband just like that, without giving assurance / annuity for his wife, and act like it is the right of a husband.
(Given that culture and a different system of government as it is oppressive of women's right to life in a position like that).
g). Threatening hellfire for those who like: alpha prayers, refused to join the war, refused to fasting, refusing to give alms, to escape from the war, refused to infidel people who are not Muslims, including Christians and Jews .
In the Quran letter, 5 AL Maaidah 82, clearly and unequivocally states that:
A Christian is a close friend of the Muslims as well, and add recognition of Muhammad for Muslims, that their religion is the "continuation" of the "religion of the Torah and the Christian Bible." So the "75%" of the "Quran" is "taken from the Torah and the Gospel", and "25%" complete Al-Quran is from "the ideas of Muhammad" with "his friends or followers".
So the "lessons" and "mandate" from the "Prophet Muhammad" until now "happening", and "being in the process of gradually climbing to create a theocracy of the Islamic world", the aim of the attacks of Arab politics is to do it together with the Government of the Islamic Java / Indonesia from used to date is: through the "Moluccas", which Maluku is the "door of the world", and "wants" of them are, to "sign in" to each "Pacific nation", to "dominate" all natural resources in the Pacific through Islamic ideology, and "use natural Maluku" is for "economic stability of the western world is unstable in all forms of political phenomena in the world", which "has occurred in parts of asia and the West".
War in Madina is the result of the monopoly nature of "Muhammad" himself, so that the Jews driven out by the "war (Jihad)", which has been done by Him. The founder of Islam in the world, is derived from Muhammad himself, so the influence of this religion to the East portion of the world, resulting from the "spice trade" at the time, in "SPICE ISLAND (MALUKU)" at "1600 years ago".
Gradual emergence of Islam:
1). The flow of the religion of Islam, which starts from the Maluku Islands because the world trade of spices, so that the people of Parsi and Gujarati, which came to buy spices, and while spreading Islam in Maluku.
2). At the time Hongitoten War 1636-1646, the Dutch killed as many as 15,000 people Moluccan Christians, and then after that, the Dutch Government has incorporated Islamic transmigration from Java, Sulawesi (Buton), and Arab genetic mixture of Java.
And after the completion of the "Dutch dominance" in "World War 2", "Japan occupied the Moluccas", and had committed "colonization, in the Moluccas", for "3 years", that is: from "1942 to the year 1945". After "Japan ended", "Dutch go again" to "dominate Maluku" to the "1950", "after the Proclamation RMS (South Maluku Republic) on 25 April 1950", the Dutch "leaving the city of Ambon, Maluku," with "uses" ship "KPM INTAN CITY", and "bring KNIL (Dutch soldiers from Maluku)" located on the island of Java at the time, to "carry" to "the Netherlands" by "the Dutch government," but "the will from "the KNIL (original Dutch troops from Maluku)", that they "want" to "help the military forces of Maluku", which "is the guerrilla, to fight the army of Indonesia" which is in "intervention" to "Moluccas", and the history of it is the "political game" between the two countries: "The Netherlands" and "rule of Islamic Java / Indonesia" in friendship to maintain or dominate natural Maluku., and Indonesian military offensive led by: the first President of Indonesia, namely: "Ir Sukarno," in the incident, that "the Indonesian military assistance" from the "Dutch government" with "heavy weapons equipment", and while the "United Nations" at the time it was returned "silent" about the state of the Moluccas.
From the results of the political games of the rule of Islamic Java / Indonesia on diplomatic relations in politics, which was conducted jointly by the Dutch government at the time, and after the military intervention of Indonesia to the Moluccas, and after the success of the government's Islamic Java / Indonesia to dominate in the country Moluccas, Islam transmigration input massively from 1952 to the present by the government of the Islamic Java / Indonesia based in Jakarta.
Islamization program is done throughout the islands in the former Dutch colony, and to the continent of Australia in accordance with the objectives of the creation of Muhammad's teachings ideology together with colleagues, which I mentioned above as an explanation of the Qur'an, which followed by the government of the Islamic Java / Indonesia through it to their political ideology.
And the Dutch colonization of the system, followed by the administration of Islamic Java / Indonesia, for the sake of political gain Jakarta itself, which is incorporated on the basis of their political ideology as well. http://souisapaul81.blogspot.com.au/2012/09/history-of-world-from-beginning-can-be.html
Links below are examples of everything that happened, which has been described in accordance with the attachment system in the dirty politics Religious, Friendship, Economics, Culture, etc.:
Religious Relations:
Religious relationship is used by the Government of Java / Indonesia as a means of their dirty politicians, both in the country of Indonesia itself on its government, through the relationship of Islamic organizations located in Java on political Islam, nor do state relations with Islamic countries, which is linked within the UN membership itself.
This is a logic to "complicate the movement of the nation's struggle for independence Maluku prosecution" in the "sovereignty", which had been seized by the Government of the Islamic Java / Indonesia, as this can be considered for the international community to the younger generation in the world is in terms of religious issues alone, so it becomes a topic of defense against Islam Java Government / Indonesia from Islamic countries in the world.
Questions about things like this, is:
Why does the UN still has not overcome the problems of humanity, which has occurred in the country of Indonesia, when the United Nations was to know how the real history of the formation of the state of Indonesia's?
Surely what has been described or implied of any explanation before, it can be seen from the "object and purpose" of "any relationship" of the "concerned governments" in "ideology" them, and of "diplomatic relations in politics" in the "advantage" for each "individual", which "has involved" in any "relevant government" itself, as it has had a "relevant" to the "event" of the "history of Maluku" from the beginning until now, as it were.
This problem is a "mistake" also from "the UN leadership" in the past, and the "need to be" fixed "in accordance with the actual history, and using" international law ", which had been" imposed "by" decent "to" every nation ", which is" the truth has a right to live according to the same facts from each perspective.
Again we see on the other side of the reason:
State of Indonesia is known as "the largest Muslim country in the world", in which the government of Islamic Java / Indonesia told to the world in such a way as their propaganda, but it needs to know by the international community, that "Indonesia has many state of the nation", or a lot of "ethnic groups which live in the country, and have religious differences, whether of" Christianity "," Buddhist "," Hindu "and others.
If that is only calculated on the island of Java alone, the number of Muslims is comparable to other islands within the power of government Islamic Java / Indonesia, if not the population density of transmigration which comes from the Middle East are prepared one day to sail to the continent of Australia where adjusted to the time set for them by the government of the Islamic Java / Indonesia itself.
So for the understanding of the world community, world organizations, and agencies of every country in the world, in order to know that the "humanitarian issues", which has been violated by the Government of the Islamic Java / Indonesia itself is included in the "international criminal category" , and "involve religious" as "political bridge" for the benefit of Jakarta itself, and this is "an attitude of terrorists", as it was "detrimental to all aspects of life in the Moluccas", as has happened more war on January 19, 1999, at Ambon, Maluku, among the fraternities, and also had "detrimental to all aspects of life in all the nations of the former Dutch colony", and "linking political ideology" in the "religious" in the "international links" as a "tool" to "help" them in "crime "to" oppression "that is based from the" evil colonial ". (No problem, if the system of government in Indonesia is the country with the "good nature", but the "fact" that "the Government of the Islamic Java / Indonesia" are "terrorists", so "attitude and responsibility" of the government of Islamic Java / Indonesia is nothing at all to life for "people of Maluku", "West Papua", and as well as the lives of other nations in the former Dutch colony, it is evident from the fact of life that has occurred from carelessness on the nature and attitude of criminality in the government itself ).
When we talk about "religion" or "belief", which is "right" is in accordance with the "Bible" of the "Christian", because everything which is in it, is a "history of human life from the beginning of the incident, the state what is happening now, and until the end of the Age ", and that is" real ", and also" logic ", judging from all the happenings in the world is already recorded in the word of God itself. While the "evil ideology" of "Islam" in the "Al-Quran", which is where there have been "25%" of the "result of human thought (Muhammad and his colleagues)" where they are "to complete the Quran reaches 100%" , Muhammad and his colleagues add their own political initiatives, so the ideology is used to this day, and ended up being a disaster in the lives of others.
Why? Because 25% of people thought it was grounded by the nature of greed, coercion, murder, and so on. As we see a real happening in the Moluccas, and the incidence of the nations of the former Dutch colony, which is under the control of the Government of Islamic Java / Indonesia are based on evil ideology of Muhammad.
We see the truth that has been little mentioned about false prophet is considered as the God of the Islamic faith:
1). Al-Quran on devout Muslims believe that the Koran is a "revelation from God 100%", which is the "copyright" by the "Prophet Muhammad" and immediately "given" by "God" through "angel Gabriel" with sentence to sentence, so that the "Koran" is "free of human thought", including the thoughts of the Prophet Muhammad himself.
2). Points of doctrine that Islam is "Tawheed", reads:
There is no "God" in addition to "Allah (Laila HAILALLAH)", and only for those who are obliged to worship and ask for help (Quran Surat 1, Al Fatihah 5).
3). At the time of Muhammad and his companions arrived in Madina, therefore they must to migrate from Mecca, there were many people in the city where the majority of Jews, but Jews have a huge effect on the city, especially in the areas of governance, economic, social and culture.
The Jews themselves religious fanatic, and every day to practice their religion to Jerusalem.
4). Because the position of Muhammad and his companions at that time was still weak to compete in running their ideology, then the direction of mecca for those on a time set by the prayer of Muhammad is to Jerusalem, as a point to adapt in such situations, so from that case, then Muhammad claimed that Islam is a continuation of Judaism and Christianity.
5). Direction to Qiblah, ie held to "Jerusalem" and "worship" that has "run for years" by "Muhammad and his colleagues', arrive at a time that Muhammad and his followers felt strong enough to dominate the city of Madina , then eventually to dominate the Madina city is by the sword (war / jihad).
Along with the "expulsion of the Jews to get out of Medina" by Muhammad on reason, is "to receive revelation from God." Afterwards that: "Qibla in prayer towards Jerusalem" has been "canceled" by "Muhammad", and "headed in a new direction", ie "towards Mecca", because there BAITHOLLAH (House of God), that is what we are familiar with the temple (black stone) now. (Quran Surat Al-Baqarah 2142-145, and 149-150).
(Quran Letter: Al-Baqarah 2142-145, and 149-150).
6). In addition to the change of Qiblah, also set by Muhammad that prayer performed 5 times a day and night, with a total of 17 times with a bow and prostrate prayer must be done in the "Arabic" only.
Also on the set by her for all Muslims who call themselves believers, to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca with their duty to surround the Kaaba (the black stone) in it, as much as 7 times round, and on each of the cycle it must bow their heads, and required to "worship and kiss" as "Black Stone" in the temple, as he read the prayer: "Lord UMA LABAIK BISMILAHILAHU AKBAR", which means: "We have fulfilled your calling, O God.
1). Letters Muslim, the hadith sahik 1, paragraph 164, states: "That Muhammad himself was not able to save his followers.
The answer: In the "verse" of "Surah 46 Al Ahqaf 9", states that: "Muhammad himself did not know whether he would survive or not."
2). In Surah AZ, Zukkuf 43-61 which states, Jesus knew the day of Resurrection, Jesus is a straight path to heaven. Same with the statement of the Bible to John 14 verse 6.
3). Muslim Hadith in Surah 3, paragraph 5421, stated: when Muhammad will die, Muhammad said: "O Jesus son of Mary, into your hands, I will leave my life."
And the holy AL AHQAAF 9, states that Muhammad himself did not believe or doubt, when He died later will go to heaven or not, so that through the inside of the 33 AL Ahzab 56, states that: in the name of God and angels to pray for the salvation of Muhammad to go to heaven with "using prayer segue PROPHET".
But the true prophet was sent by God to Moses (father of the Torah) and Jesus (Prophet / father Gospel), if they die, it will go to heaven, and do not need to be in prayer by the people to do it, so in the Bible have little else to say about Moses pleaded Shawalat prayer of the Prophet, even more so for Jesus, let alone ask people to shawalat prayer for Him, but rather those who pray to Him as their own salvation, found in John 17:1-26. And even Jesus himself who gives salvation to mankind, found in John 14:1-14.
Father's house, located on John 14:1-14 Bible
1). "Let not your heart be troubled: believe in God, believe also in me.
2). In my Father's house are many mansions. If not so, of course I would have told you. Because I go over there to provide a place for you.
3). And if I had to go over there and have a place for you.
4). And where I go, you know the road to it. "
5). Thomas said to Him: "Lord, we do not know where you go, so how do we know the way over there?"
6). Jesus said to him: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
7). If you know me, you also know my Father. Right now ye know Him, and ye have seen Him. "
8). Philip said to Him: "Lord, show us the Father, it is enough for us."
9). Jesus said to him: "It has been so long together I'm yours, Philip, but you do not know me? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father; how you say, Show us the Father.
10). Not believe the you, that I am in the Father and the Father in Me? What do I say to you, do not I say of myself, but the Father who dwells in me, has to do His work.
11). Believe me, that I am in the Father and the Father in me: or at least believe that the works themselves.
12). I tell you: Verily those who believe in me, he will do also the works that I do, even the jobs bigger than this. For I go to the Father.
13). and what you ask in my name, I'll do it, so that the Father be glorified in the son.
14). If you ask something to me in my name, I'll do it. "
Jesus' prayer for His disciples, John, 17:1-26
1). So said Jesus. Then his eyes to heaven and said: "Father, the hour is come, glorify your son, that son magnify thee.
2). Same as You have given Him power over all life, so He will give eternal life to all whom You have given Him.
3). This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
4). I have magnify thee on the earth by way of completing the work You gave Me to do so.
5). Therefore, O Father, glorify me with the glory of Thee alone that I have in your presence before the world existed.
6). I have declared thy name to all the people, which thou hast given to me from the world. They were yours, and have you give them to me and they have obeyed your word.
7). Now they know that all that You give to me it comes from to you.
8). For all the words that you convey to me was I to say to them and they have accepted. They really know that I came from Thee, and they believe that thou hast sent me.
9). I pray for them. Not for the world I pray, but to them, which thou hast given me, because they are yours.
10). And all mine is yours and yours is mine, and I have been glorified in them.
11). And I do not exist anymore in the world, but they still exist in the world, and I'm coming to you. Yes, Holy Father, keep them in thy name, that thy name which thou hast given me, that they may be one just like us.
12). As long as I am with them, I keep them in thy name, that thy name which thou hast given to me, I have guarded them and none of those who perished, except the one that has been determined to perish, to fulfill what was written in the Book Holy.
13). But, now I'm coming to you and I say all this while I was still there in the world, so filled my joy within themselves.
14). I have given your word to them and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
15). I do not ask, so you take them from the world, but that you protect them from evil.
16). They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
17). Sanctify them in truth, your word is truth.
18). Just as Thou hast sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world;
19). and I consecrate myself for them, so they were sanctified by the truth.
20). And not for them alone I pray, but also for people who believe in me by their preaching.;
21). that they may all be one, even as thou, Father, in Me and I in thee, that they are also inside us, that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
22). And I have given them the glory, which thou hast given me, so that they become one, just as we are one:
23). I in them and Thou in Me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them even as thou hast loved me.
24). Yes Father, I will that, wherever I am, they also were together with me, those whom You have given me, for they viewed the glory which thou hast given me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.
25). Yes Father, that is fair, indeed the world does not know you, but I know you, and these know that thou hast sent me;
26). and I have to tell thy name to them and I'll tell him, so love that you gave to me is in them and I in them.
You can browse all the links Karen Parker JD, which historians have explained the circumstances of the Republic of South Maluku which have connection problems in some elements:
Of all the acts that are beyond the limits of humanity or immoral by the actions of the government system of the Islamic Java / Indonesia in their dirty politics in the country of Indonesia itself, then you can follow the continuing relationship news links below:
So we the people of Maluku, demands for humanitarian problems that occur in the Moluccas must follow up by the UN in a wise, adjusting for International Law in force, so that the Government of Indonesia to immediately give the right of sovereign nations Maluku, unconditionally.
So that is not a complicated problem due to the political relations between the friendship with one another, so it is necessary for us to talk and a little explaining here, and we as an independent nation the same as the others, not for us to talk politics, but politics is coming from a events which have been done as it is, so we speak according to the truth / reality of the tragedy. On the other hand, is not as "racist", "religion" and so on, the "basic problem" which "must be addressed", but "be for all the people of the international community", "international organization", "all state agencies and government ", and that" every religious institution "in the world, may be to" learn the facts of life ", which is a tragedy" had occurred ", and the" happening "until now, for we can" fix carelessness "," weakness "," error ", and so on, according to" international law "in force, so that the" dirty politics ", which comes from" an organization, or even from the government concerned, may be to "stop" and "follow up" with "international law" that where "valid" in "humanitarian grounds", so that "justice", "prosperity", and so on, can be "achieved through truth" itself, and be "felt" by "all nations" in "peace and justice" itself.
We see the truth that has been little mentioned about false prophet is considered as the God of the Islamic faith:
1). Al-Quran on devout Muslims believe that the Koran is a "revelation from God 100%", which is the "copyright" by the "Prophet Muhammad" and immediately "given" by "God" through "angel Gabriel" with sentence to sentence, so that the "Koran" is "free of human thought", including the thoughts of the Prophet Muhammad himself.
2). Points of doctrine that Islam is "Tawheed", reads:
There is no "God" in addition to "Allah (Laila HAILALLAH)", and only for those who are obliged to worship and ask for help (Quran Surat 1, Al Fatihah 5).
3). At the time of Muhammad and his companions arrived in Madina, therefore they must to migrate from Mecca, there were many people in the city where the majority of Jews, but Jews have a huge effect on the city, especially in the areas of governance, economic, social and culture.
The Jews themselves religious fanatic, and every day to practice their religion to Jerusalem.
4). Because the position of Muhammad and his companions at that time was still weak to compete in running their ideology, then the direction of mecca for those on a time set by the prayer of Muhammad is to Jerusalem, as a point to adapt in such situations, so from that case, then Muhammad claimed that Islam is a continuation of Judaism and Christianity.
5). Direction to Qiblah, ie held to "Jerusalem" and "worship" that has "run for years" by "Muhammad and his colleagues', arrive at a time that Muhammad and his followers felt strong enough to dominate the city of Madina , then eventually to dominate the Madina city is by the sword (war / jihad).
Along with the "expulsion of the Jews to get out of Medina" by Muhammad on reason, is "to receive revelation from God." Afterwards that: "Qibla in prayer towards Jerusalem" has been "canceled" by "Muhammad", and "headed in a new direction", ie "towards Mecca", because there BAITHOLLAH (House of God), that is what we are familiar with the temple (black stone) now. (Quran Surat Al-Baqarah 2142-145, and 149-150).
(Quran Letter: Al-Baqarah 2142-145, and 149-150).
6). In addition to the change of Qiblah, also set by Muhammad that prayer performed 5 times a day and night, with a total of 17 times with a bow and prostrate prayer must be done in the "Arabic" only.
Also on the set by her for all Muslims who call themselves believers, to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca with their duty to surround the Kaaba (the black stone) in it, as much as 7 times round, and on each of the cycle it must bow their heads, and required to "worship and kiss" as "Black Stone" in the temple, as he read the prayer: "Lord UMA LABAIK BISMILAHILAHU AKBAR", which means: "We have fulfilled your calling, O God.
1). Letters Muslim, the hadith sahik 1, paragraph 164, states: "That Muhammad himself was not able to save his followers.
The answer: In the "verse" of "Surah 46 Al Ahqaf 9", states that: "Muhammad himself did not know whether he would survive or not."
2). In Surah AZ, Zukkuf 43-61 which states, Jesus knew the day of Resurrection, Jesus is a straight path to heaven. Same with the statement of the Bible to John 14 verse 6.
3). Muslim Hadith in Surah 3, paragraph 5421, stated: when Muhammad will die, Muhammad said: "O Jesus son of Mary, into your hands, I will leave my life."
And the holy AL AHQAAF 9, states that Muhammad himself did not believe or doubt, when He died later will go to heaven or not, so that through the inside of the 33 AL Ahzab 56, states that: in the name of God and angels to pray for the salvation of Muhammad to go to heaven with "using prayer segue PROPHET".
But the true prophet was sent by God to Moses (father of the Torah) and Jesus (Prophet / father Gospel), if they die, it will go to heaven, and do not need to be in prayer by the people to do it, so in the Bible have little else to say about Moses pleaded Shawalat prayer of the Prophet, even more so for Jesus, let alone ask people to shawalat prayer for Him, but rather those who pray to Him as their own salvation, found in John 17:1-26. And even Jesus himself who gives salvation to mankind, found in John 14:1-14.
Father's house, located on John 14:1-14 Bible
1). "Let not your heart be troubled: believe in God, believe also in me.
2). In my Father's house are many mansions. If not so, of course I would have told you. Because I go over there to provide a place for you.
3). And if I had to go over there and have a place for you.
4). And where I go, you know the road to it. "
5). Thomas said to Him: "Lord, we do not know where you go, so how do we know the way over there?"
6). Jesus said to him: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
7). If you know me, you also know my Father. Right now ye know Him, and ye have seen Him. "
8). Philip said to Him: "Lord, show us the Father, it is enough for us."
9). Jesus said to him: "It has been so long together I'm yours, Philip, but you do not know me? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father; how you say, Show us the Father.
10). Not believe the you, that I am in the Father and the Father in Me? What do I say to you, do not I say of myself, but the Father who dwells in me, has to do His work.
11). Believe me, that I am in the Father and the Father in me: or at least believe that the works themselves.
12). I tell you: Verily those who believe in me, he will do also the works that I do, even the jobs bigger than this. For I go to the Father.
13). and what you ask in my name, I'll do it, so that the Father be glorified in the son.
14). If you ask something to me in my name, I'll do it. "
Jesus' prayer for His disciples, John, 17:1-26
1). So said Jesus. Then his eyes to heaven and said: "Father, the hour is come, glorify your son, that son magnify thee.
2). Same as You have given Him power over all life, so He will give eternal life to all whom You have given Him.
3). This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
4). I have magnify thee on the earth by way of completing the work You gave Me to do so.
5). Therefore, O Father, glorify me with the glory of Thee alone that I have in your presence before the world existed.
6). I have declared thy name to all the people, which thou hast given to me from the world. They were yours, and have you give them to me and they have obeyed your word.
7). Now they know that all that You give to me it comes from to you.
8). For all the words that you convey to me was I to say to them and they have accepted. They really know that I came from Thee, and they believe that thou hast sent me.
9). I pray for them. Not for the world I pray, but to them, which thou hast given me, because they are yours.
10). And all mine is yours and yours is mine, and I have been glorified in them.
11). And I do not exist anymore in the world, but they still exist in the world, and I'm coming to you. Yes, Holy Father, keep them in thy name, that thy name which thou hast given me, that they may be one just like us.
12). As long as I am with them, I keep them in thy name, that thy name which thou hast given to me, I have guarded them and none of those who perished, except the one that has been determined to perish, to fulfill what was written in the Book Holy.
13). But, now I'm coming to you and I say all this while I was still there in the world, so filled my joy within themselves.
14). I have given your word to them and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
15). I do not ask, so you take them from the world, but that you protect them from evil.
16). They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
17). Sanctify them in truth, your word is truth.
18). Just as Thou hast sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world;
19). and I consecrate myself for them, so they were sanctified by the truth.
20). And not for them alone I pray, but also for people who believe in me by their preaching.;
21). that they may all be one, even as thou, Father, in Me and I in thee, that they are also inside us, that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
22). And I have given them the glory, which thou hast given me, so that they become one, just as we are one:
23). I in them and Thou in Me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them even as thou hast loved me.
24). Yes Father, I will that, wherever I am, they also were together with me, those whom You have given me, for they viewed the glory which thou hast given me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.
25). Yes Father, that is fair, indeed the world does not know you, but I know you, and these know that thou hast sent me;
26). and I have to tell thy name to them and I'll tell him, so love that you gave to me is in them and I in them.
You can browse all the links Karen Parker JD, which historians have explained the circumstances of the Republic of South Maluku which have connection problems in some elements:
Of all the acts that are beyond the limits of humanity or immoral by the actions of the government system of the Islamic Java / Indonesia in their dirty politics in the country of Indonesia itself, then you can follow the continuing relationship news links below:
So we the people of Maluku, demands for humanitarian problems that occur in the Moluccas must follow up by the UN in a wise, adjusting for International Law in force, so that the Government of Indonesia to immediately give the right of sovereign nations Maluku, unconditionally.
So that is not a complicated problem due to the political relations between the friendship with one another, so it is necessary for us to talk and a little explaining here, and we as an independent nation the same as the others, not for us to talk politics, but politics is coming from a events which have been done as it is, so we speak according to the truth / reality of the tragedy. On the other hand, is not as "racist", "religion" and so on, the "basic problem" which "must be addressed", but "be for all the people of the international community", "international organization", "all state agencies and government ", and that" every religious institution "in the world, may be to" learn the facts of life ", which is a tragedy" had occurred ", and the" happening "until now, for we can" fix carelessness "," weakness "," error ", and so on, according to" international law "in force, so that the" dirty politics ", which comes from" an organization, or even from the government concerned, may be to "stop" and "follow up" with "international law" that where "valid" in "humanitarian grounds", so that "justice", "prosperity", and so on, can be "achieved through truth" itself, and be "felt" by "all nations" in "peace and justice" itself.
Arab ideology that
has influenced the government of Java / Indonesia for many years since
the arrival of the Arabs (Parsi and Gujarati) as traders and insert
ideology: http://souisapaul81.blogspot.com.au/2012/05/arab-ideology-that-has-influenced.html
"The Netherlands should apologize to Moluccans"
"The Netherlands should apologize to Moluccans"
Semuanya dijelaskan pada catatan ini sesuai dengan realitas kehidupan tidak membenci tetapi untuk melihat masalah dengan hati-hati, dan menciptakan keadilan bagi perbaikan hidup yang benar.
Kejadian penderitaan kehidupan di pemerintah Indonesia karena permainan politik Arab di balik layar, karena ideologi gila yang dikembangkan sebagai agama Islam,sehingga membunuh antara saudara terjadi di berbagai aspek kehidupan.
Ada beberapa sedikit tentang keadaan sejarah Maluku, yang mana saat ini bangsa Maluku didalam kekuasaan colonial dari Pemerintah Jawa/Indonesia, disini kita perlu melihat secara seksama, oleh karena permainan politik kotor atau program yang mana dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Jawa/Indonesia dengan Arab terhadap bangsa Maluku, dan terhadap setiap bangsa di bekas jajahan Belanda, dimana mereka memakai agama sebagai jembatan politik untuk mendominasi suatu negara Kepulauan, atau pun mendominasi suatu negara Benua.
Sedikit memperkenalkan sejarah Muhammad dengan ideologinya, serta perkenalan dunia internasional tentang Maluku:
595 Muhamad, pendiri Islam, menikah dengan seorang janda kaya rempah-rempah, pengikut mereka semangat misionaris dikombinasikan dengan perdagangan rempah-rempah di Timur, membuat pembangunan monopoli rempah-rempah pertama, sedangkan penyebaran Islam.
900 Venice telah bangkit sebagai kekuatan komersial, khususnya rempah-rempah, ketika ia mulai memimpin Eropa dalam Abad Kegelapan.
Perang Salib dimulai pada tahun 1095, memperingatkan potensi oportunis untuk perdagangan Timur, dan kebutuhan untuk membebaskan Tanah Suci dari kaum Muslim.
1165 Sebuah surat yang diduga ditulis oleh John Prester terkenal ditempa tersebar luas di Eropa, merangsang pembaca dengan kemungkinan sebuah kerajaan Kristen di Timur.
1298 Marco Polo kembali ke Venesia dari sebuah perjalanan panjang ke Asia cerita rempah-rempah yang dapat ditemukan. Jadi Eropa telah terbangun kemungkinan perdagangan langsung di Timur.
1400 Perjalanan Sir John Mandeville ini diterbitkan oleh seorang kesatria Inggris menggambarkan pengalaman nyata dan fantastis di Timur. Penemuan mesin cetak pada pertengahan abad, ini cerita khalayak luas.
Pelabuhan Malaka pada 1402 berdasarkan semenanjung Malaysia oleh Pangeran Paramesvara, seorang pengungsi dari Sumatra. Bekerja di katedral Sevilla dimulai.
1418 Portugis Prince Henry the Navigator mendirikan akademi untuk mempromosikan navigasi Spice Quest Timur.
Sejarah membuktikan sampai sekarang, bahwa kita merasakan rasa saling ketergantungan dengan tanah yang diberkati oleh Tuhan kepada manusia di bumi ini.
Kesimpulan sejarah dunia, yang mana telah terjadi secara signifikan, dan menjadi kendala yang harus ditangani, oleh karena adanya rencana jahat yang telah diprogramkan, dan sedang dilaksanakan / di lakukan, yaitu:
a). Setelah Muhammad lahir ke dunia, dan telah menjadi suatu hambatan yang besar untuk persaingan politik hari ini di dunia manusia. Muhammad berencana di dunia adalah bahwa harus membuat sebuah kerajaan Islam global, sebagai alasan bahwa ia menganggap dirinya sebagai nabi, dan telah meyakinkan teman dan pengikut Nya. Sebelum Muhammad meninggal pada tahun 632, ia telah menjadi raja di Jazirah Arab, yang mana sebagai langkah pertama Theokrasi Negara Islam. Mandat dan ajaran Muhammad sebagaimana tercantum dalam Al-Qur'an, antara lain:
Berdasarkan penelitian Pilgrim Para pemimpin Islam dalam Alquran JUZ 30 terdiri dari 114 surat, dan 6666 ayat-ayat, yang mana berhubungan dengan Iman. Hukum Syariat Islam, dan bisa kita tarik secara umum tiga inti dasar yaitu:
1). Penyebaran kewajiban oleh pengikut-pengikut dari agama Islam adalah tujuan untuk "pembentukan Negara Theokrasi Islam" di seluruh dunia, dimana saja mereka berada, maka Negara tersebut diusahakan secara jangka pendek atau jangka panjang untuk menjadi Negara Theokrasi Islam. Hal ini dapat kita simpulkan dari diberlakukannya, 5 ALMAIDAH 51 yang berbunyi:
“Hai orang-orang percaya (Umat Islam), tidak mengambil orang "Yahudi dan Kristen" untuk "menjadi pemimpin anda", dan mengapa Anda "mengangkat orang-orang kafir" untuk "menjadi pemimpin anda". (Hadis/perintah dari Nabi Muhammad).
Jadi disini pengertiannya bahwa: Mereka tinggal di suatu Negara, yang mana negara bersangkutan "tidak mengikuti Syariah Islam", maka mereka "tidak akan mengakui" bahwa "Pemimpin dari negara bersangkutan" itu adalah "sebagai pemimpin mereka", terkecuali Pemimpin dari Negara yang bersangkutan, atau negara yang mereka tinggal itu, telah melaksanakan Sharia Islam, maka kemudian mereka akan mengakui bahwa Pemimpin Negara itu adalah sebagai "Pemimpin" untuk mereka.
2). Penyebaran Islam dan hukum Syariat Islam tidak dilakukan dengan dasar cinta, tetapi dengan "landasan Perang dan Totaliter", kita melihat bahwa sebagai bukti paragraf yang relevan adalah sebagai berikut:
Pada Quran surat, 4 AN NISSAA 84, menyatakan: “Maka berperanglah kamu pada jalan Allah, kobarkan lah semangat bagi para Mukmin untuk berperang”.
Pada Quran surat, 49 AL HUJURAAT 15, menyatakan: “Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan Rasulnya yaitu Muhammad, dan kemudian mereka tidak ragu-ragu untuk Jihad/berperang”.
Pada Quran surat, 48 AL FATH 16, menyatakan: “Katakanlah kepada orang-orang Badui yang masih tertinggal: Kamu akan diajak untuk memerangi kaum yang mana telah mempunyai kekuatan yang besar, kamu akan memerangi mereka atau mereka menyerah masuk Islam. Maka jika kamu penuhi ajakan ini, niscaya Allah akan memberikan pahala kepadamu”.
Kekuatan besar yang di maksudkan oleh Muhammad, yaitu: Kepada "Kristen dan Yahudi", dan membasmi mereka.
Dan ayat-ayat serupa adalah banyak lagi yang misalnya pada: Quran surat, 2 AL BAQARAH 216, 8 AL ANFAAL 15-16, 9 AT TAUBAH 29, 38-55, 123 dan lain-lain.
3). Hukum-hukum Islam pada hal "Pidana dan Perdata", tidak didasarkan pada dasar "cinta", tetapi didasari oleh "intoleransi", "Kejam", dan tidak "adil", yang sebagai bukti kami ungkit antara lain:
a). Dipotong tangan dan kaki, serta dibunuh, terdapat pada Quran surat, 5 AL MAIDAH 33, bagi mereka yang menentang perintah Muhammad.
b). Memotong pada tangan pencuri, terdapat pada Quran surat, 5 AL MAIDAH 38.
c). Dalam "hukuman seumur hidup", terkadang "diganti" dengan melempar wanita-wanita pelacur (WTS)" dengan "menggunakan batu", terdapat pada Quran surat, 24 AN NISSAA 15.
d). Tersangka akan di hukum dengan "100 kali pukulan" dengan "menggunakan rotan atau tongkat" bagi mereka yang "ketangkap" dari perbuatan yang berelasi dengan "berhubungan gelap", terdapat pada Quran surat, 24 AN NUUR 2.
e). Keharusan untuk tetap memeluk Islam, meskipun tidak merasa tenang lagi bagi mereka, dan membatalkan Hak Warisan bagi mereka yang murtad (keluar dari Agama Islam). (Hadit/Perintah dari Nabi Muhammad).
f). "Tidak adil" dengan "menetapkan pembagian harta warisan" antara "laki-laki dan wanita", karena "laki-laki akan mendapatkan 2 bagian", sedangkan "wanita mendapatkan 1 bagian saja", terdapat pada Quran surat, 4 AN NISSAA 11.
Ketidakadilan ini Nampak dengan jelas dengan adanya Hukum POLYGAMI, dimana seorang suami boleh beristeri sampai 4 isteri sekaligus, sekian banyak SELIR/HAREM pada saat mampu, sedangkan isteri, jangankan main-main dengan laki-laki lain, saat lalai sedikit saja, maka dapat ditinggalkan oleh suami tanpa ada surat cerai, dan seorang isteri tidak mempunyai hak untuk menceraikan suaminya, bahkan tidak mempunyai hak untuk menikah lagi, dan dibiarkan oleh suaminya begitu saja, tanpa memberikan jaminan/tunjangan hidup bagi istrinya, dan perbuatan seperti itu adalah hak dari suami.
(Mengingat bahwa kebudayaan dan sistem pemerintahan yang berbeda seperti itu, adalah menindas hak kehidupan dari wanita pada posisi yang seperti itu).
g). Penuh ancaman api neraka bagi mereka yang seperti: alpa sholat, menolak untuk mengikuti perang, menolak berpuasa, menolak untuk memberikan sedekah, melarikan diri dari medan perang, menolak untuk mengkafirkan orang-orang yang bukan Muslim, termasuk orang Kristen, dan orang-orang Yahudi.
Pada Quran surat, 5 AL MAAIDAH 82, dengan jelas dan tegas mengatakan bahwa:
Orang Kristen adalah teman dekat dari Muslim juga, dan menambahkan pengakuan Muhammad untuk umat Islam, bahwa agama mereka adalah "kelanjutan" dari "agama Taurat dan Injil Kristen". Jadi "75%" dari "isi Quran" adalah "diambil dari Taurat dan Injil", dan "25%" melengkapi Al-Quran adalah dari "hasil pemikiran Muhammad" bersama "teman-teman nya atau pengikutnya".
Jadi "pelajaran" dan "mandat" dari "Nabi Muhammad" sampai sekarang ini "terjadi", dan "sedang didalam proses secara bertahap mendaki untuk membuat Theokrasi dunia Islam", tujuan serangan politik Arab adalah untuk melakukannya bersama dengan Pemerintah Islam Jawa/Indonesia dari dulu sampai saat ini adalah: melalui "Maluku", yang mana Maluku adalah sebagai "pintu dunia", dan "keinginan" dari mereka adalah, untuk "masuk" ke tiap "negara Pasifik", untuk "mendominasi" semua kekayaan alam di Pasifik melalui idiologi Islam, dan "menggunakan kekayaan alam Maluku" adalah untuk "kestabilitasan ekonomi dunia barat menjadi goyah dalam segala bentuk penomena pada politik dunia", yang mana "telah terjadi pada belahan asia dan barat".
Peperangan di Madina adalah hasil dari "sifat monopoli Muhammad" sendiri, sehingga bangsa Yahudi diusir keluar oleh karena "peperangan (Jihad)", yang mana telah dilakukan oleh Nya. Pendiri agama Islam di dunia, adalah berasal dari "Muhammad" itu sendiri, sehingga pengaruh agama ini sampai ke bahagian Timur pada belahan bumi, disebabkan dari terjadinya perdagangan rempah-rempah pada waktu itu, di "SPICE ISLAND (MALUKU)" pada "1600 tahun yang lalu".
Pertahapan masuknya agama Islam:
1). Aliran dari agama Islam yang dimulai dari Kepulauan Maluku oleh karena terjadinya perdagangan dunia rempah-rempah, sehingga adanya orang-orang dari Parsi dan Gujarat, yang mana datang membeli rempah-rempah, dan sambil menyebarkan agama Islam di Maluku.
2). Pada Perang Hongitoten waktu 1636-1646, Belanda membunuh orang-orang sebanyak 15.000 Kristen Maluku, dan kemudian setelah itu, Pemerintahan Belanda telah memasukkan transmigrasi Islam dari Jawa, Sulawesi (Buton), dan Arab yang campuran Jawa genetik.
Dan setelah selesainya "dominasi Belanda" pada "Perang Dunia ke 2", "Jepang menduduki Maluku", dan telah melakukan "kolonisasi, di Maluku", selama "3 tahun", yaitu: dari "tahun 1942 sampai pada tahun 1945". Setelah "Jepang berakhir", "Belanda masuk lagi" untuk "mendominasi Maluku" sampai pada "tahun 1950", "setelah Proklamsi RMS (Republik Maluku Selatan) pada tanggal 25 April 1950", maka Belanda "meninggalkan Kota Ambon, Maluku", dengan "menggunakan" kapal "KPM KOTA INTAN", dan "membawa tentara Knil (tentara Belanda yang berasal dari Maluku)" yang berada di pulau Jawa saat itu, untuk "dibawa" ke "negeri Belanda" oleh "pemerintahan Belanda", padahal "kemauan dari "tentara Knil (tentara Belanda asli dari Maluku)" itu, bahwa mereka "ingin" untuk "membantu pasukan militer Maluku", yang mana "sedang bergerilya, untuk melawan tentara dari Indonesia" yang mana masuk "intervensi" ke "Maluku", dan sejarah itu adalah "permainan politik" diantara kedua negara , yaitu: "Pemerintahan Belanda" dengan "pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia" dalam persahabatan untuk menjaga atau mendominasi kekayaan alam Maluku. Dan penyerangan militer Indonesia yang dipimpin oleh: Presiden Indonesia pertama, yaitu: "Ir Soekarno", dalam kejadian itu, bahwa "militer Indonesia mendapatkan bantuan" dari "pemerintahan Belanda" dengan "peralatan persenjataan berat", dan sedangkan "PBB" pada saat itu telah kembali "diam" tentang keadaan negara Maluku.
Dari hasil pada permainan politik dari pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia pada hubungan diplomatiknya di politik, yang mana telah dilakukan bersama dengan pemerintahan Belanda pada saat itu, dan setelah dari intervensi militer Indonesia ke Maluku, dan setelah berhasilnya pemerintah Jawa Islam/Indonesia untuk mendominasi di negara Maluku, di masukannya transmigrasi Islam secara besar-besaran dari tahun 1952 sampai sekarang ini oleh pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia yang berkedudukan di Jakarta.
Program Islamisasi ini di lakukan keseluruh kepulauan-kepulauan di bekas jajahan Belanda, dan sampai kepada Benua Australia sesuai dengan tujuan dari ajaran Ideologi pada penciptaan Muhammad bersama-sama dengan rekan-rekan, yang mana sudah saya singgung diatas sebagai penjelasan Al-Quran tersebut, yang dilanjutkan oleh pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia melalui idiologi itu ke politik mereka.
Dan sistem kolonisasi Belanda itu, dilanjutkan oleh pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia, demi untuk kepentingan politik Jakarta itu sendiri, yang mana digabungkan pada dasar idiologi politik mereka juga. http://souisapaul81.blogspot.com.au/2012/09/history-of-world-from-beginning-can-be.html
Links dibawah ini adalah contoh dari segala yang terjadi, yang mana sudah dijelaskan sesuai dengan terikatan politik kotor didalam system Keagamaan, Persahabatan, Keokonomian, Kebudayaan, dan lain-lain:
Hubungan Keagamaan:
Hubungan Keagamaan ini dipakai oleh Pemerintah Jawa/Indonesia sebagai sarana politi kotor mereka, baik didalam negara Indonesia itu sendiri pada pemerintahan nya, melalui relasi ormas Islam yang berada di Jawa pada partai politik Islam itu sendiri, maupun melakukan relasi kenegaraan dengan negara-negara Islam, yang mana mempunyai keterkaitan didalam anggota PBB itu sendiri.
Hal ini merupakan satu logika untuk "mempersulit pergerakan perjuangan penuntutan kemerdekaan dari bangsa Maluku" dalam "kedaulatannya", yang mana telah dirampas oleh Pemerintah Jawa Islam/Indonesia, karena hal ini dapat dipandang bagi dunia internasional pada generasi muda di dunia adalah dari segi permasalahan agama saja, sehingga menjadi satu topik pembelaan terhadap Pemerintah Jawa Islam/Indonesia dari negara-negara Islam di dunia.
Pertanyaan tentang hal seperti ini, adalah:
Mengapa PBB masih belum mengatasi permasalahan kemanusiaan, yang mana telah terjadi didalam negara Indonesia, pada saat PBB sudah mengetahui bagaimana sejarah yang sesungguhnya dari terbentuknya negara Indonesia itu?
Tentunya apa yang telah dijelaskan atau disinggung dari tiap penjelasan di sebelum, dapat diketahui dari "maksud dan tujuan" dari "tiap relasi" dari "pemerintahan bersangkutan" dalam "idiologi" mereka, dan dari "relasi diplomatik pada politik" dalam "keuntungan" bagi masing-masing "individual", yang mana "mempunyai keterlibatan" pada tiap "pemerintahan bersangkutan" itu sendiri, sebagaimana telah mempunyai "relevan" pada "kejadian" dari "sejarah Maluku" dari awal sampai saat ini, seperti apa adanya.
Permasalahan ini adalah "kesalahan" juga dari "kepemimpinan PBB" di masa lalu, dan "perlu untuk "diperbaiki" sesuai dengan sejarah yang sebenarnya, dan memakai "Hukum Internasional", yang mana telah "diberlakukan" dengan "layak" untuk "setiap bangsa", yang mana adalah "mempunyai hak kebenaran sesuai dengan fakta hidup yang sama dari masing-masing perspektif.
Kembali kita lihat di lain sisi pada alasan yang lain:
Negara Indonesia saat ini adalah terkenal sebagai "negara Islam terbesar di dunia", yang mana pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia mengatakan sedemikian rupa kepada dunia internasional sebagai propaganda mereka, tetapi perlu di ketahui oleh dunia internasional, bahwa "negara Indonesia mempunyai banyak bangsa", atau banyak dari "etnis golongan yang mana hidup didalam negara tersebut, dan mempunyai perbedaan agama, baik dari "agama Kristen", "Budha", "Hindu" dan lainya.
Apabila kalau hanya diperhitungkan pada Pulau Jawa saja, maka banyaknya Islam dapat disamakan dengan kepulauan lain didalam kekuasaan dari pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia, apabila tidak adanya kepadatan penduduk dari transmigrasi yang datangnya dari Timur-Tengah yang dipersiapkan suatu saat untuk berlayar ke benua Australia yang mana disesuaikan dengan waktu yang ditentukan untuk mereka oleh pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia itu sendiri.
Jadi untuk pengertian komunitas dunia, organisasi-organisasi dunia, dan instansi-instansi dari setiap negara di dunia, supaya dapat mengetahui bahwa "permasalahan kemanusiaan", yang mana telah dilanggar oleh Pemerintah Jawa Islam/Indonesia itu sendiri adalah termasuk dalam "kategori kriminal internasional", dan "melibatkan keagamaan" sebagai "jembatan politik" bagi kepentingan Jakarta itu sendiri, dan hal ini adalah "satu sikap teroris", sebab telah "merugikan segala aspek kehidupan di Maluku", seperti telah terjadi lagi peperangan pada tanggal 19 Januari 1999, di Ambon, Maluku, diantara persaudaraan, dan juga telah "merugikan segala aspek kehidupan di semua bangsa di bekas jajahan Belanda", serta "mengkaitkan politik Idiologi" pada "keagamaan" di "link internasional" sebagai "alat" untuk "membantu" mereka didalam "kejahatan" untuk "penindasan" yang berdasar dari "kolonial jahat". (Tidak bermasalah, apabila sistem pemerintahan didalam negara Indonesia adalah dengan "sifat yang baik", tetapi "kenyataannya", bahwa "Pemerintah Jawa Islam/Indonesia" adalah "Teroris", sehingga "sikap dan tanggung jawab" dari pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia adalah tidak ada sama sekali untuk kehidupan yang layak bagi "bangsa Maluku", "Papua Barat", dan serta kepada kehidupan bangsa lain di bekas jajahan Belanda, hal ini dilihat dari kenyataan hidup yang telah terjadi dari kecerobohan pada sifat dan sikap kriminalitas pada pemerintahan itu sendiri).
Apabila kita berbicara tentang "agama", atau "kepercayaan", yang mana "benar" adalah sesuai dengan "isi Alkitab" dari orang "Kristen", sebab segala sesuatu yang mana ada didalamnya, adalah merupakan "sejarah hidup manusia dari awal kejadian, keadaan yang sedang terjadi saat ini, dan sampai pada akhir Zaman", dan itu adalah "nyata", dan juga "logika", dilihat dari segala kejadian di dunia adalah telah tercatat pada firman Tuhan itu sendiri. Sedangkan "idiologi jahat" dari "Islam" di "Al-Quran" itu, yang mana telah terdapat "25%" dari "hasil pemikiran manusia (Muhammad dan rekan-rekan)" dimana mereka "untuk melengkapi Al-Quran mencapai 100%", maka Muhammad dan rekan-rekan menambahkan inisiatif politik mereka sendiri, sehingga idiologi itu terpakai sampai saat ini, dan akhirnya menjadi bencana didalam kehidupan sesama.
Mengapa? Sebab 25% dari pemikiran manusia itu adalah dilandaskan dengan sifat keserakahan, pemaksaan, pembunuhan, dan sebagainya. Seperti kita lihat yang terjadi nyata di Maluku, dan pada kejadian terhadap bangsa-bangsa di bekas jajahan Belanda, yang mana dibawah kekuasaan Pemerintah Jawa Islam/Indonesia yang berdasarkan atas ideologi jahat dari Muhammad.
Kita melihat kebenaran yang telah sedikit disebutkan tentang kepalsuan Nabi dianggap sebagai Tuhan dalam kepercayaan Islam:
1). Al-Quran pada Muslim yang taat percaya bahwa Al-Quran adalah sebagai "wahyu dari Allah 100%", yang mana merupakan "hak cipta" oleh "Nabi Muhammad", dan langsung "diberikan" oleh "Allah" melalui "malaikat Jibril" dengan kalimat ke kalimat, sehingga "isi Al Qur'an" adalah "bebas dari pemikiran manusia", termasuk pemikiran dari Nabi Muhammad itu sendiri.
2). Bahwa pokok-pokok ajaran Islam yang "TAUHID", berbunyi:
Tidak ada "Tuhan" selain "Allah (Laila HAILALLAH)", dan hanya untuk orang yang berkewajiban untuk menyembah, dan meminta bantuan (Quran Surat 1, Al Fatihah 5).
3). Pada saat Muhammad dan para sahabatnya tiba di Madina, oleh karena mereka terpaksa harus untuk hijrah dari Mekah, di kota terdapat banyak orang Yahudi yang mana tidak mayoritas, namun Yahudi memiliki pengaruh yang besar di kota itu, terutama di bidang pemerintahan, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya.
Bangsa Yahudi itu sendiri agama fanatik, dan setiap hari untuk mempraktekkan ibadah agama mereka ke Yerusalem.
4). Karena posisi Muhammad dan para sahabatnya pada waktu itu masih lemah untuk bersaing dalam menjalankan idiologi mereka, maka arah kiblat bagi mereka pada waktu yang ditetapkan oleh Doa Muhammad adalah ke Yerusalem, sebagai titik untuk menyesuaikan diri dalam situasi tersebut, sehingga dari hal demikian, maka Muhammad mengaku bahwa, Islam adalah merupakan kelanjutan dari Yudaisme dan Kristen.
5). Arah untuk kiblat, yaitu: diadakan ke "Yerusalem", dan "ibadah" itu telah "dijalankan selama bertahun-tahun" oleh "Muhammad dan rekan-rekan", sampai pada satu saat bahwa Muhammad dan pengikutnya merasa telah cukup kuat untuk mendominasi kota Madina, maka akhirnya untuk mendominasi Kota Madina adalah dengan cara pedang (Perang/Jihad).
Seiring dengan "pengusiran orang Yahudi untuk keluar dari Madinah" oleh Muhammad pada alasannya, adalah "untuk menerima wahyu dari Allah". Setelah itu bahwa: "kiblat dalam doa terhadap Yerusalem" telah "dibatalkan" oleh "Muhammad", dan "menuju pada arah yang baru", yaitu "kearah Mekkah", karena ada BAITHOLLAH (Rumah Tuhan), itulah yang kita kenal dengan candi (batu hitam) sekarang. (Quran Surat: Al-Baqarah 2142-145, dan 149-150).
6). Selain perubahan Kiblat, juga ditetapkan oleh Muhammad bahwa sholat dilakukan sebanyak 5 kali sehari dan semalam, dengan total sebanyak 17 kali dengan membungkuk, dan doa sujud itu harus dilakukan dalam "bahasa Arab" saja.
Juga di ditetapkan oleh nya bagi semua Muslim yang menyebut diri percaya, untuk melakukan haji ke Mekkah dengan kewajiban mereka untuk mengelilingi Ka'bah (batu hitam) di dalamnya, sebanyak 7 kali putaran, dan pada setiap dalam putaran itu harus membungkuk kepala mereka, dan diharuskan untuk "menyembah dan mencium" sebagai "Hajar Aswad" di kuil, sambil membaca doa: "Tuhan UMA LABAIK BISMILAHILAHU AKBAR", yang berarti: "Kami telah memenuhi panggilanmu, ya Allah.
1). Surat Muslim, pada Hadis sahik 1, ayat 164, menyatakan: "Bahwa Muhammad sendiri tidak mampu untuk menyelamatkan pengikutnya.
Jawabannya: Dalam "ayat" dari "Surah 46 Al Ahqaf 9", menyatakan bahwa: "Muhammad sendiri tidak tahu apakah dia akan selamat ataukah tidak".
2). Dalam Surah AZ, Zukkuf 43-61 yang menyatakan, Yesus tahu hari kiamat, Yesus adalah jalan yang lurus ke surga. Sama dengan pernyataan Alkitab pada Yohanes 14 ayat ke 6.
3). Hadis Muslim pada Surah 3 ayat 5421, dinyatakan: ketika Muhammad akan mati, Muhammad berkata: "Hai Isa putra Maryam, ke dalam tanganmu, aku akan meninggalkan hidupku."
Dan pada suci AL AHQAAF 9, menyatakan bahwa: Muhammad sendiri tidak percaya atau ragu, ketika Ia meninggal nanti akan masuk surga atau tidak, sehingga melalui bagian dalam 33 AL Ahzab 56, menyatakan bahwa: dalam nama Tuhan dan malaikat untuk berdoa bagi keselamatan Muhammad untuk masuk surga dengan "menggunakan doa Shalawat NABI".
Tapi nabi yang benar adalah diutus oleh Tuhan kepada Musa (ayah dari Taurat), dan Yesus (Nabi/bapak Injil), jika mereka mati, tentu akan masuk surga, dan tidak perlu dalam doa oleh orang-orang untuk melakukannya, sehingga dalam Alkitab tidak memiliki sedikit pun yang mengatakan tentang Nabi Musa memohon doa Shawalat Nabi, bahkan lebih lagi untuk Yesus, apalagi meminta orang untuk shawalat doa untukNya, bahkan sebaliknya orang yang berdoa kepadaNya sebagai keselamatan mereka sendiri, terdapat pada Yohanes 17:1-26. Dan bahkan Yesus sendiri yang memberikan keselamatan bagi umat manusia, terdapat pada Yohanes 14:1-14.
Rumah Bapa, terdapat pada alkitab Yohanes 14:1-14
1). "Janganlah gelisah hatimu; percayalah kepada Allah, percayalah juga kepadaKu.
2). Di rumah BapaKu banyak tempat tinggal. Jika tidak demikian, tentunya Aku akan mengatakannya kepadamu. Sebab Aku pergi ke situ untuk menyediakan tempat bagimu.
3). Dan apabila Aku telah pergi ke situ dan telah menyediakan tempat bagimu.
4). Dan ke mana Aku pergi, kamu tau jalan ke situ."
5). Kata Thomas kepadaNya: "Tuhan, kami tidak tahu kemana Engkau pergi; jadi bagaimana kami tahu jalan kesitu?"
6). Kata Yesus kepadanya: "Akulah jalan dan kebenaran dan hidup. Tidak ada seorangpun yang datang kepada Bapa, kalau tidak melalui Aku.
7). Sekiranya kamu mengenal Aku, pasti kamu juga mengenal BapaKu. Sekarang ini kamu mengenal Dia dan kamu telah melihat Dia."
8). Kata Filipus kepadaNya: "Tuhan, tunjukkanlah Bapa itu kepada kami, itu sudah cukup bagi kami."
9). Kata Yesus kepadanya: "Telah sekian lama Aku bersama-sama mu, Filipus, namun engkau tidak mengenal Aku? Barangsiapa telah melihat Aku, ia telah melihat Bapa; bagaimana engkau berkata: Tunjukkanlah Bapa itu kepada kami.
10). Tidak percayakah engkau, bahwa Aku didalam Bapa dan Bapa didalam Aku? Apa yang Aku katakan kepadamu, tidak Aku katakan dari diriKu sendiri, tetapi Bapa, yang diam didalam Aku, Dialah yang melakukan pekerjaanNya.
11). Percayalah kepadaKu, bahwa Aku didalam Bapa dan Bapa didalam Aku; atau setidak-tidaknya, percayalah karena pekerjaan-pekerjaan itu sendiri.
12). Aku berkata kepadamu: Sesungguhnya barangsiapa yang percaya kepadaKu, ia akan melakukan juga pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang Aku lakukan, bahkan pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang lebih besar dari pada itu. Sebab Aku pergi kepada Bapa.
13). dan apa juga yang kamu minta dalam namaKu, Aku akan melakukannya, supaya Bapa dipermuliakan di dalam anak.
14). Jika kamu meminta sesuatu kepadaKu dalam namaKu, Aku akan melakukannya."
Doa Yesus untuk murid-muridNya, Yohanes, 17:1-26
1). Demikianlah kata Yesus. Lalu Ia menengadah ke langit dan berkata: "Bapa, telah tiba saatNya; permuliakanlah AnakMu, supaya AnakMu mempermuliakan Engkau.
2). Sama seperti Engkau telah memberikan kepadaNya kuasa atas segala yang hidup, demikian pula Ia akan memberikan hidup yang kekal kepada semua yang telah Engkau berikan kepadaNya.
3). Inilah hidup yang kekal itu, yaitu bahwa mereka mengenal Engkau, satu-satunya Allah yang benar, dan mengenal Yesus Kristus yang telah Engkau utus.
4). Aku telah mempermuliakan Engkau di bumi dengan jalan menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang Engkau berikan kepadaKu untuk melakukannya.
5). Oleh karena itu, ya Bapa, permuliakanlah Aku padaMu sendiri dengan kemuliaan yang Ku miliki di hadiratMu sebelum dunia ada.
6). Aku telah menyatakan namaMu kepada semua orang, yang Engkau berikan kepadaKu dari dunia.
Mereka itu milikMu dan Engkau telah memberikan mereka kepadaKu dan mereka telah menuruti firmanMu.
7). Sekarang mereka tahu, bahwa semua yang Engkau berikan kepadaKu itu berasal dari padaMu.
8). Sebab segala firman yang Engkau sampaikan kepadaKu telah Ku sampaikan kepada mereka dan mereka telah menerimanya. Mereka tau benar-benar, bahwa Aku datang dari padaMu, dan mereka percaya, bahwa Engkaulah yang telah mengutus Aku.
9). Aku berdoa untuk mereka. Bukan untuk dunia Aku berdoa, tetapi untuk mereka, yang telah Engkau berikan kepadaKu, sebab mereka adalah milikMu.
10). Dan segala milikKu adalah milikMu dan milikMu adalah milikKu, dan Aku telah dipermuliakan didalam mereka.
11). Dan Aku tidak ada lagi didalam dunia, tetapi mereka masih ada didalam dunia, dan Aku datang kepadaMu. Ya Bapa yang kudus, peliharalah mereka didalam namaMu, yaitu namaMu yang telah Engkau berikan kepadaKu, supaya mereka menjadi satu sama seperti kita.
12). Selama Aku bersama mereka, Aku memelihara mereka didalam namaMu, yaitu namaMu yang telah Engkau berikan kepadaKu; Aku telah menjaga mereka dan tidak ada seorang pun dari mereka yang binasa, selain dari pada dia yang telah di tentukan untuk binasa, supaya genaplah yang tertulis didalam Kitab Suci.
13). Tetapi, sekarang Aku datang kepadaMu dan Aku mengatakan semuanya ini sementara Aku masih ada didalam dunia, supaya penuhlah sukacitaKu didalam diri mereka.
14). Aku telah memberikan firmanMu kepada mereka dan dunia membenci mereka, karena mereka bukan dari dunia, sama seperti Aku bukan dari dunia.
15). Aku tidak meminta, supaya Engkau mengambil mereka dari dunia, tetapi supaya Engkau melindungi mereka dari pada yang jahat.
16). Mereka bukan dari dunia, sama seperti Aku bukan dari dunia.
17). Kuduskanlah mereka dalam kebenaran; firmanMu adalah kebenaran.
18). Sama seperti Engkau telah mengutus Aku ke dalam dunia, demikian pula Aku telah mengutus mereka ke dalam dunia;
19). dan Aku menguduskan diriKu bagi mereka, supaya mereka pun dikuduskan didalam kebenaran.
20). Dan bukan untuk mereka ini saja Aku berdoa, tetapi juga untuk orang-orang yang percaya kepadaKu oleh pemberitaan mereka.;
21). supaya mereka semua menjadi satu, sama seperti Engkau, ya Bapa, didalam Aku dan Aku didalam Engkau, agar mereka juga didalam kita, supaya dunia percaya, bahwa Engkaulah yang telah mengutus Aku.
22). Dan Aku telah memberikan kepada mereka kemuliaan, yang Engkau berikan kepadaKu, supaya mereka menjadi satu, sama seperti kita adalah satu:
23). Aku didalam mereka dan Engkau didalam Aku, supaya mereka sempurna menjadi satu, agar dunia tahu, bahwa Engkau yang telah mengutus Aku, dan bahwa Engkau mengasihi mereka, sama seperti Engkau mengasihi Aku.
24). Ya Bapa, Aku mau supaya dimana pun Aku berada, mereka juga berada bersama-sama dengan Aku, mereka yang telah Engkau berikan kepadaKu, agar mereka memandang kemuliaanKu yang telah Engkau berikan kepadaKu, sebab Engkau telah mengasihi Aku sebelum dunia dijadikan.
25). Ya Bapa yang adil, memang dunia tidak mengenal Engkau, tetapi Aku mengenal Engkau, dan mereka ini tahu, bahwa Engkau yang telah mengutus Aku;
26). dan Aku telah memberitahukan namaMu kepada mereka dan Aku akan memberitahukannya, supaya kasih yang Engkau berikan kepadaKu ada didalam mereka dan Aku didalam mereka.
Anda dapat menelusuri semua link Karen Parker JD, yang sejarawan telah menjelaskan keadaan dari Republik Maluku Selatan yang mempunyai masalah koneksi di beberapa elemen:
Dari semua perbuatan yang berada diluar batas kemanusiaan atau tidak bermoral oleh perbuatan dari sistem Pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia dalam politik kotor mereka di negara Indonesia itu sendiri, maka anda dapat mengikuti kelanjutan relasi berita link di bawah ini:
Jadi kita bangsa Maluku, menuntut untuk permasalahan kemanusiaan yang terjadi pada bangsa Maluku harus di tindak lanjuti oleh PBB secara bijaksana, di sesuaikan dengan Hukum Internasional yang berlaku, supaya Pemerintah Indonesia dengan segera memberikan hak kedaulatan bangsa Maluku, tanpa syarat.
Supaya permasalahan tidak menjadi rumit akibat dari relasi politik antara persahabatan satu dengan yang lain, sehingga perlu untuk kita berbicara dan sedikit menjelaskan disini, dan kita sebagai bangsa yang merdeka yang sama seperti yang lainnya, bukan untuk kita berbicara politik, melainkan politik itu datang dari sebuah kejadian yang mana telah dilakukan apa adanya, sehingga kita berbicara sesuai pada kebenaran/kenyataan tragedi. Di lain sisi, bukan karena "rasis", "agama" dan sebagainya, pada "dasar permasalahan" yang mana "harus ditanggulangi", tetapi "boleh untuk semua rakyat dunia internasional", "organisasi internasional", " setiap instansi-instansi negara dan pemerintahan", dan juga "tiap lembaga keagamaan" di dunia, boleh untuk "mempelajari kenyataan hidup", yang mana tragedi "telah terjadi", dan "sedang terjadi" hingga kini, untuk kita dapat "memperbaiki kecerobohan", "kelemahan", "kesalahan", dan sebagainya, menurut "hukum internasional" yang berlaku, sehingga "politik kotor", yang mana datangnya dari "organisasi, atau bahkan dari pemerintahan bersangkutan, boleh untuk "dihentikan", dan "ditindak lanjuti" dengan "hukum internasional" yang mana "berlaku" dalam "dasar kemanusiaan", supaya "keadilan", "kesejahteraan", dan sebagainya, dapat "dicapai melalui kebenaran" itu sendiri, dan boleh "dirasakan" oleh "semua bangsa" dalam "perdamaian dan keadilan" itu sendiri.
Berita Terkait:
Arab ideologi yang telah mempengaruhi pemerintah Jawa / Indonesia selama bertahun-tahun sejak kedatangan orang-orang Arab (Parsi dan Gujarat) sebagai pedagang dan memasukkan ideologi: http://souisapaul81.blogspot.com.au/2012/05/arab-ideology-that-has-influenced.html
"Belanda harus meminta maaf kepada Maluku"
I am Christian ✝ and I am from Java. Indonesia is not religion based, but Pancasila. There are no government of Islam here. The are many Christians, who become a leaders, like Major in Solo, Java.
ReplyDeleteI think you only gathered from one side, not two side. So it is clear, you don't understand Indonesia.
indonesia is known as the biggest Muslim country in the world, and it is because indonesia were born by the islamic movement in java island as the creator of the country, and the whole government dominated by the javanese islam and islam indonesian political party, of course the power os hold by the majority of oslam power as they agenda.
DeleteNow, example, why SBY still walk free? https://m.facebook.com/story/graphql_permalink/?graphql_id=UzpfSTE1NTIwMzMxMDc6Vks6MTAyMDcxMjQxMzc4NTI0NTQ%3D