Representative Ambassador to Australia visit Mluku
Wednesday, 15 February 2012 17:2 Eawin
Representatives from Australia's Ambassador in Indonesia, which is headed by a secretary I for Political, and Daniel Rantzen together with the secretary for Political Affairs II, Fleur Hamilton on a working visit to the office of Governor of Maluku. Rantzen and Hamilton's arrival was received by Governor of Maluku, Karel Albert Ralahalu and have a meeting together for about 1 hour in the meeting of the Governor of Maluku. Press Rantzen confessed to their coming to see firsthand the development of the construction of the Moluccas, and discuss the continuation of cooperation between Australia and the Maluku provincial government that has lasted this long.
One partnership that has lasted for decades, namely race sailboats Darwin-Ambon, Maluku. This is one of cooperation in tourism. The same is justified by Maluku Governor Karel Albert Ralahalu. According to Ralahalu, he has delivered to the representatives of Australia's ambassador to promote tourism cooperation between cities / districts in Maluku with Australia. Exemplified in the district of West Southeast Maluku (MTB), is geographically close to Australia. Plane distance of MTB to Australia just 30 minutes. Ralahalu, asking for representatives to report to the Chief Ambassador to Australia's ambassador to Indonesia to consider his proposal.
He added in terms of tourism potential of MTB has the natural potential of marine tourism in particular is much more beautiful than the island of Bali. Ralahalu added that the government Austrlia and Maluku will enhance cooperation in education, the Australian government may be willing to accept students from Maluku to continue academic study in Australia. DMS
Last Updated on Wednesday, 15 February 2012 17:31
http://www.radiodms.com/ index.php/informasi/ 389-perwakilan-dubes-austra lia-kunjungi-maluku
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My explanation:
We, "the Moluccas", hoping to Australia not only "hear from the Governor of the Moluccas" with "attitude and manner of his responsibility as a state official for the RI", but Australia have also heard of the "hearts of the people of Maluku", which are Maluku "legitimate state and nation in accordance with applicable international law, and also based on actual history", not RI. Allowed for "Australia to cooperate in tourism in Maluku", it is good and thank you, but "must not forget the screams of the people of the Moluccas" in the "colonization" in the "rule of Islamic Java / Indonesia", which is "not fair". And problems between the "Maluku" with "RI" must be addressed by the Australian government to "solving problems in Maluku" with "illegal state of the Republic of Indonesia" in "peace and justice", as "Australia" is included in the "members of the UN in favor of human rights" , and also not forget that "all evils of the government of Indonesia to the Moluccas" should "be justified" in accordance with "international law" in force, from the events of 1950 to date, and also it is time for the "rule of Islamic Java / Indonesia must be stopped ", because they all are" terrorist officials "which was" detrimental to the fate of the people in misery ", both in the country Maluku, and also to the outside of the country, and this has a real history and law, all this happens because of changes in the right things to the tragedy of death and all that in the politics of "Islamic government of Java / Indonesia to dominate all aspects of the Moluccas".
https://www.facebook.com/ note.php?note_id=2231830943 61442
Given that the Moluccas, which are in the "Fatherland Maluku", they are not able to "speak freely" as the state of Indonesia which is based on "principles of democracy", because it is "a mere mask for the" rule of Islamic Java / Indonesia "with" nature and the system of military and police "to" use force of arms ", which is" not unusual for them in violation of human rights law ". and it proved true, and you can follow the explanations on the link below as happened for nation of West Papua as well.
https://www.facebook.com/ video/ video.php?v=1173697433235
Laskar Jihad - CIVIL WAR AND SUHARTO Friend Maluku - Demand for Justice
http://www.michr.net/ laskar-jihad---suharto-comp anions-and-the-moluccan-ci vil-war---justice-demand.h tml
Human Rights in Papua
http://tapol.gn.apc.org/ press/files/ Human-Rights-in-Papua_Repor t-2010-2011.pdf
So we, as "the Moluccas", instead of coming to Australia to "ask for assistance to development in Maluku can be achieved as an autonomous region," because it "has been in force in accordance with the supreme law of Indonesia", namely: "1945 Constitution" from since "birth of the Indonesia country illegally" is. But we, as "the Moluccas came to Australia" to "get help from the Australian government to put the sound through the United Nations", that "the sovereign right of the people of Maluku", which "has taken away" by the government of the Islamic Java / Indonesia with the ceasefire, can be "restored according to their moral character" to the Moluccas in accordance with the truth itself.
I hope once again to hopefully be understood by the people of Australia, a humanitarian organization in Australia, and also can be understood by the Australian government in taking discretion in foreign assignment, and so thank you, may God bless Australia with the truth itself.
Penjelasan saya:
Kami, "bangsa Maluku", berharap kepada Australia tidak hanya "mendengar dari Gubernur Maluku" dengan "tata cara dari sikap dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai pejabat negara untuk RI", tetapi Australia harus mendengar juga dari "hati rakyat Maluku", yang mana Maluku adalah "bangsa dan negara yang sah sesuai dengan hukum Internasional yang berlaku, dan juga berdasarkan sejarah yang nyata", bukan RI. Boleh untuk "Australia melakukan kerjasama didalam parawisata di Maluku", itu baik dan terima kasih, tetapi "tidak boleh melupakan jeritan dari rakyat Maluku" didalam "kolonisasi" pada "pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia", yang mana adalah "tidak wajar". Dan permasalahan antara "Maluku" dengan "RI" harus ditanggulangi oleh pemerintah Australia untuk "penyelesaian permasalahan di Maluku" dengan "negara ilegal Republik Indonesia" secara "damai dan adil", sebagaimana "Australia" adalah termasuk pada "anggota PBB yang mendukung HAM", dan juga tidak lupa bahwa "segala kejahatan dari pemerintahan RI terhadap bangsa Maluku" harus "dipertanggung jawabkan" sesuai dengan "hukum internasional" yang berlaku, dari tahun kejadian pada 1950 sampai saat ini, dan juga sudah saatnya bagi "pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia harus dihentikan", karena mereka semua adalah "pejabat teroris" yang mana telah "merugikan nasib orang banyak didalam penderitaan", baik didalam negeri Maluku, dan juga terhadap diluar negeri, dan hal ini terbukti pada sejarah nyata dan hukum yang berlaku, semua ini terjadi oleh karena perubahan hal yang benar menjadi tragedi kematian dan semua itu didalam politik dari "pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia untuk mendominasi Maluku dari segala segi".
https://www.facebook.com/ note.php?note_id=2231830943 61442
Mengingat bahwa bangsa Maluku, yang mana berada di "Tanah Air Maluku", mereka tidak dapat "bersuara bebas" seperti negara Indonesia yang berlandaskan "asas demokrasi", sebab hal itu adalah "topeng belaka bagi "pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia" dengan "sifat dan sistem militer dan polisi" untuk "menggunakan kekerasan senjata", yang mana adalah "hal yang biasa untuk mereka dalam melakukan pelanggaran dari hukum HAM". Dan hal itu terbukti nyata, dan anda dapat mengikuti penjelasan pada link dibawah ini seperti yang pernah terjadi bagi bangsa Papua Barat juga.
https://www.facebook.com/ video/ video.php?v=1173697433235
http://www.michr.net/ laskar-jihad---suharto-comp anions-and-the-moluccan-ci vil-war---justice-demand.h tml
HAM di Papua
http://tapol.gn.apc.org/ press/files/ Human-Rights-in-Papua_Repor t-2010-2011.pdf
Jadi kita, sebagai "bangsa Maluku", bukan datang ke Australia untuk "meminta bantuan agar pembangunan di Maluku itu dapat tercapai sebagai daerah otonomi", sebab hal ini "telah berlaku sesuai dengan hukum tertinggi Indonesia", yaitu: "UUD 1945" dari semenjak "lahirnya negara Indonesia ilegal" tersebut. Tetapi kita, sebagai "bangsa Maluku datang ke Australia" agar "mendapatkan bantuan dari pemerintah Australia untuk menaruh suara melalui PBB", supaya "hak kedaulatan bangsa Maluku", yang mana "telah dirampas" oleh pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia dengan gencatan senjata itu, dapat "dikembalikan sesuai dengan sifat moral mereka" untuk bangsa Maluku sesuai dengan kebenaran itu sendiri.
Saya berharap sekali lagi untuk semoga dapat dimengerti oleh rakyat Australia, organisasi kemanusiaan di Australia, dan juga dapat dimengerti oleh pemerintahan Australia didalam mengambil kebijaksanaannya didalam tugas luar negeri, sekian dan terima kasih, kiranya Tuhan berkati bangsa Australia dengan kebenaran itu sendiri.
Wednesday, 15 February 2012 17:2 Eawin
Representatives from Australia's Ambassador in Indonesia, which is headed by a secretary I for Political, and Daniel Rantzen together with the secretary for Political Affairs II, Fleur Hamilton on a working visit to the office of Governor of Maluku. Rantzen and Hamilton's arrival was received by Governor of Maluku, Karel Albert Ralahalu and have a meeting together for about 1 hour in the meeting of the Governor of Maluku. Press Rantzen confessed to their coming to see firsthand the development of the construction of the Moluccas, and discuss the continuation of cooperation between Australia and the Maluku provincial government that has lasted this long.
One partnership that has lasted for decades, namely race sailboats Darwin-Ambon, Maluku. This is one of cooperation in tourism. The same is justified by Maluku Governor Karel Albert Ralahalu. According to Ralahalu, he has delivered to the representatives of Australia's ambassador to promote tourism cooperation between cities / districts in Maluku with Australia. Exemplified in the district of West Southeast Maluku (MTB), is geographically close to Australia. Plane distance of MTB to Australia just 30 minutes. Ralahalu, asking for representatives to report to the Chief Ambassador to Australia's ambassador to Indonesia to consider his proposal.
He added in terms of tourism potential of MTB has the natural potential of marine tourism in particular is much more beautiful than the island of Bali. Ralahalu added that the government Austrlia and Maluku will enhance cooperation in education, the Australian government may be willing to accept students from Maluku to continue academic study in Australia. DMS
Last Updated on Wednesday, 15 February 2012 17:31
My explanation:
We, "the Moluccas", hoping to Australia not only "hear from the Governor of the Moluccas" with "attitude and manner of his responsibility as a state official for the RI", but Australia have also heard of the "hearts of the people of Maluku", which are Maluku "legitimate state and nation in accordance with applicable international law, and also based on actual history", not RI. Allowed for "Australia to cooperate in tourism in Maluku", it is good and thank you, but "must not forget the screams of the people of the Moluccas" in the "colonization" in the "rule of Islamic Java / Indonesia", which is "not fair". And problems between the "Maluku" with "RI" must be addressed by the Australian government to "solving problems in Maluku" with "illegal state of the Republic of Indonesia" in "peace and justice", as "Australia" is included in the "members of the UN in favor of human rights" , and also not forget that "all evils of the government of Indonesia to the Moluccas" should "be justified" in accordance with "international law" in force, from the events of 1950 to date, and also it is time for the "rule of Islamic Java / Indonesia must be stopped ", because they all are" terrorist officials "which was" detrimental to the fate of the people in misery ", both in the country Maluku, and also to the outside of the country, and this has a real history and law, all this happens because of changes in the right things to the tragedy of death and all that in the politics of "Islamic government of Java / Indonesia to dominate all aspects of the Moluccas".
Given that the Moluccas, which are in the "Fatherland Maluku", they are not able to "speak freely" as the state of Indonesia which is based on "principles of democracy", because it is "a mere mask for the" rule of Islamic Java / Indonesia "with" nature and the system of military and police "to" use force of arms ", which is" not unusual for them in violation of human rights law ". and it proved true, and you can follow the explanations on the link below as happened for nation of West Papua as well.
Laskar Jihad - CIVIL WAR AND SUHARTO Friend Maluku - Demand for Justice
Human Rights in Papua
So we, as "the Moluccas", instead of coming to Australia to "ask for assistance to development in Maluku can be achieved as an autonomous region," because it "has been in force in accordance with the supreme law of Indonesia", namely: "1945 Constitution" from since "birth of the Indonesia country illegally" is. But we, as "the Moluccas came to Australia" to "get help from the Australian government to put the sound through the United Nations", that "the sovereign right of the people of Maluku", which "has taken away" by the government of the Islamic Java / Indonesia with the ceasefire, can be "restored according to their moral character" to the Moluccas in accordance with the truth itself.
I hope once again to hopefully be understood by the people of Australia, a humanitarian organization in Australia, and also can be understood by the Australian government in taking discretion in foreign assignment, and so thank you, may God bless Australia with the truth itself.
Penjelasan saya:
Kami, "bangsa Maluku", berharap kepada Australia tidak hanya "mendengar dari Gubernur Maluku" dengan "tata cara dari sikap dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai pejabat negara untuk RI", tetapi Australia harus mendengar juga dari "hati rakyat Maluku", yang mana Maluku adalah "bangsa dan negara yang sah sesuai dengan hukum Internasional yang berlaku, dan juga berdasarkan sejarah yang nyata", bukan RI. Boleh untuk "Australia melakukan kerjasama didalam parawisata di Maluku", itu baik dan terima kasih, tetapi "tidak boleh melupakan jeritan dari rakyat Maluku" didalam "kolonisasi" pada "pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia", yang mana adalah "tidak wajar". Dan permasalahan antara "Maluku" dengan "RI" harus ditanggulangi oleh pemerintah Australia untuk "penyelesaian permasalahan di Maluku" dengan "negara ilegal Republik Indonesia" secara "damai dan adil", sebagaimana "Australia" adalah termasuk pada "anggota PBB yang mendukung HAM", dan juga tidak lupa bahwa "segala kejahatan dari pemerintahan RI terhadap bangsa Maluku" harus "dipertanggung jawabkan" sesuai dengan "hukum internasional" yang berlaku, dari tahun kejadian pada 1950 sampai saat ini, dan juga sudah saatnya bagi "pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia harus dihentikan", karena mereka semua adalah "pejabat teroris" yang mana telah "merugikan nasib orang banyak didalam penderitaan", baik didalam negeri Maluku, dan juga terhadap diluar negeri, dan hal ini terbukti pada sejarah nyata dan hukum yang berlaku, semua ini terjadi oleh karena perubahan hal yang benar menjadi tragedi kematian dan semua itu didalam politik dari "pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia untuk mendominasi Maluku dari segala segi".
Mengingat bahwa bangsa Maluku, yang mana berada di "Tanah Air Maluku", mereka tidak dapat "bersuara bebas" seperti negara Indonesia yang berlandaskan "asas demokrasi", sebab hal itu adalah "topeng belaka bagi "pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia" dengan "sifat dan sistem militer dan polisi" untuk "menggunakan kekerasan senjata", yang mana adalah "hal yang biasa untuk mereka dalam melakukan pelanggaran dari hukum HAM". Dan hal itu terbukti nyata, dan anda dapat mengikuti penjelasan pada link dibawah ini seperti yang pernah terjadi bagi bangsa Papua Barat juga.
HAM di Papua
Jadi kita, sebagai "bangsa Maluku", bukan datang ke Australia untuk "meminta bantuan agar pembangunan di Maluku itu dapat tercapai sebagai daerah otonomi", sebab hal ini "telah berlaku sesuai dengan hukum tertinggi Indonesia", yaitu: "UUD 1945" dari semenjak "lahirnya negara Indonesia ilegal" tersebut. Tetapi kita, sebagai "bangsa Maluku datang ke Australia" agar "mendapatkan bantuan dari pemerintah Australia untuk menaruh suara melalui PBB", supaya "hak kedaulatan bangsa Maluku", yang mana "telah dirampas" oleh pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia dengan gencatan senjata itu, dapat "dikembalikan sesuai dengan sifat moral mereka" untuk bangsa Maluku sesuai dengan kebenaran itu sendiri.
Saya berharap sekali lagi untuk semoga dapat dimengerti oleh rakyat Australia, organisasi kemanusiaan di Australia, dan juga dapat dimengerti oleh pemerintahan Australia didalam mengambil kebijaksanaannya didalam tugas luar negeri, sekian dan terima kasih, kiranya Tuhan berkati bangsa Australia dengan kebenaran itu sendiri.
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