It needs to be seen again for the mistakes can be corrected carefully.
by Paul Bastian Souisa on Friday, August 19, 2011 at 2:03am ·
Java Nation of Islam / Indonesia strange but true, they have come up with the military, police, and the jihad in Ambon, Maluku is a combination of Middle East and the whole nation which was under the rulership of Islam Java / Indonesia to the Moluccas, and the unrest since the arrival of the date of January 19, 1999 until 2005, and the war ended because of the information which we give to the world about the death of the soul in the Moluccas are so many. Deaths due to violence at that time was 6000 people in Ambon, Maluku, and not counting on other islands in Maluku.
Having already destroy everything that exists in the life of the nation Moluccas, they still insist on the unity of Indonesia to have no fundamental reason, and still do torture for the people of Maluku.
Now their programs from scratch by Lemhanas (Institute for Defense and National Security Indonesia) to send the transmigration of Islam to Australia as a refugee on the grounds, where their goal is to change the system of life in Australia in the future. (Politics religion they do not recognize the government of Australia, except run Islamic sharia law).
Government of the Islamic Java / Indonesia, including to influence UN members to support the Palestinians, until now still support the Palestinians as a terrorist state.
The UN was not the correct one, because there are Muslim Arab countries that are members of the UN, and they see the problems between Indonesia and Maluku is a problem state that supports the world's Islamic revolution to the Arab countries are in the interests of the Islamic government of Java / Indonesia.
Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon did not perform the duties and responsibilities wisely, and so is the President of the United States of Obama, which the United States as world policeman is entrusted to all the nations of the world, so if they do not perform the duties and responsibilities in accordance with international law applies to both, and where authentic data provided is valid, then it should reverse itself, and do not pretend or do not care about humanitarian issues that must be addressed as in Maluku and West Papua. Oddities, Middle-East problem that there is no strong legal basis, they exaggerated the problem, the reason for human rights.
Is the problem in Maluku and West Papua for example not related to humanitarian issues that lead to human rights?
Problems in the Middle East is a problem that occurs between the government by its own people, except the problems in Israel.
While we, the people of Maluku is not a nation of Java / Indonesia (Asia), that's the difference. Let's see on the news link as evidence of problems in the comments field.
The Netherlands should not be dropped the charges that have been submitted to arrest, and prosecute the President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
See the link information on the video link or read the translation to English on the video link below
The Dutch government if honest, it means having to open their mouth about the evil that was done the Government of Indonesia in 1950, and the Dutch government crimes in 1636, and 1646 (Hongitoten, in this Moluccan history, men and women big, small are killed as many as 15 000 by the power of the Government of the Netherlands, VOC). Pattimura War on May 8, 1817 at Saparua Island, Maluku, in coastal areas Waisisir, and after that, May 15, 1817 Pattimura (Thomas Matulessy, the hero of the people of Maluku), and his compatriots were invited to the city of Ambon, Moluccas, by the Dutch government in Ambon city at the time of Dutch colonial rule government of the day, but inside it was a dirty political game by the Dutch Government for peace talks sweetly with Pattimura, because they know that; Pattimura is a former British soldier, in the end in peace talks it became a murder of Pattimura and his compatriots (hanging), whereas the Moluccas Women Heroes namely: Martha Christina Tihahu brought by the Dutch warship to be punished in the Netherlands, but in fact at the time until in the Banda Sea (sea waters Maluku), Martha Christina Tihahu tied with iron chains by the Dutch army, VOC, and Martha Christina Tihahu thrown alive into the Banda Sea by the Dutch army, VOC. So the Queen of the Netherlands shall advise the Dutch government to be more inclined to justice, and wisdom to the people of Maluku so regardless of the crimes of the power of government in Indonesia (Java), because one time one day all will face the tribunal of God's most sacred, truth belongs to God, and not belong to man.
Java Nation of Islam / Indonesia strange but true, they have come up with the military, police, and the jihad in Ambon, Maluku is a combination of Middle East and the whole nation which was under the rulership of Islam Java / Indonesia to the Moluccas, and the unrest since the arrival of the date of January 19, 1999 until 2005, and the war ended because of the information which we give to the world about the death of the soul in the Moluccas are so many. Deaths due to violence at that time was 6000 people in Ambon, Maluku, and not counting on other islands in Maluku.
Having already destroy everything that exists in the life of the nation Moluccas, they still insist on the unity of Indonesia to have no fundamental reason, and still do torture for the people of Maluku.
Now their programs from scratch by Lemhanas (Institute for Defense and National Security Indonesia) to send the transmigration of Islam to Australia as a refugee on the grounds, where their goal is to change the system of life in Australia in the future. (Politics religion they do not recognize the government of Australia, except run Islamic sharia law).
Government of the Islamic Java / Indonesia, including to influence UN members to support the Palestinians, until now still support the Palestinians as a terrorist state.
The UN was not the correct one, because there are Muslim Arab countries that are members of the UN, and they see the problems between Indonesia and Maluku is a problem state that supports the world's Islamic revolution to the Arab countries are in the interests of the Islamic government of Java / Indonesia.
Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon did not perform the duties and responsibilities wisely, and so is the President of the United States of Obama, which the United States as world policeman is entrusted to all the nations of the world, so if they do not perform the duties and responsibilities in accordance with international law applies to both, and where authentic data provided is valid, then it should reverse itself, and do not pretend or do not care about humanitarian issues that must be addressed as in Maluku and West Papua. Oddities, Middle-East problem that there is no strong legal basis, they exaggerated the problem, the reason for human rights.
Is the problem in Maluku and West Papua for example not related to humanitarian issues that lead to human rights?
Problems in the Middle East is a problem that occurs between the government by its own people, except the problems in Israel.
While we, the people of Maluku is not a nation of Java / Indonesia (Asia), that's the difference. Let's see on the news link as evidence of problems in the comments field.
The Netherlands should not be dropped the charges that have been submitted to arrest, and prosecute the President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
See the link information on the video link or read the translation to English on the video link below
National News Indonesia, namely: TVOne. This news about the statement of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to delay the continuation of the journey to the Netherlands as the Dutch Queen's invitation and also an invitation from Prime Minister of the Netherlands. Statement of the President of Indonesia is as follows below:
"On my visit to the Netherlands actually means is: the one that we had planned, but I have to say it in the final hours before from my troupe, which traveled to the Netherlands, there is the situation in the Netherlands, which requires me to take attitude and then take a decision which is certainly in our behalf.
In short the last days there is a movement in the Hague, wherein the prosecution filed to the court in The Hague, to question the human rights issues in Indonesia, and even asked the court to arrest the President of Indonesia at the time of visit to Holland.
That demand is from a Dutch citizen, but also there are organizations, including those which called itself as the RMS (Republic of South Moluccas), but which can not for I accepted is, when the President of the Republic of Indonesia visit to The Hague, the Netherlands, at the invitation of Queen of the Netherlands, and also at the invitation of Dutch Prime Minister, at that moment during the visit to the Netherlands, has held a court, which among others, to decide the prosecution for the arrest of the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
Indeed, the RMS (Republic of South Maluku) deal with political issues like that, but if I do still visit to the Netherlands, will only lead to misperceptions, misunderstandings and psychological situation that is not good, for Indonesia, for me, that until such it, held court at the time of my visit there, it is about our dignity as a nation, our honor as a nation concerned, so I took the decision to postpone".
_____________________________________________________________________________"On my visit to the Netherlands actually means is: the one that we had planned, but I have to say it in the final hours before from my troupe, which traveled to the Netherlands, there is the situation in the Netherlands, which requires me to take attitude and then take a decision which is certainly in our behalf.
In short the last days there is a movement in the Hague, wherein the prosecution filed to the court in The Hague, to question the human rights issues in Indonesia, and even asked the court to arrest the President of Indonesia at the time of visit to Holland.
That demand is from a Dutch citizen, but also there are organizations, including those which called itself as the RMS (Republic of South Moluccas), but which can not for I accepted is, when the President of the Republic of Indonesia visit to The Hague, the Netherlands, at the invitation of Queen of the Netherlands, and also at the invitation of Dutch Prime Minister, at that moment during the visit to the Netherlands, has held a court, which among others, to decide the prosecution for the arrest of the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
Indeed, the RMS (Republic of South Maluku) deal with political issues like that, but if I do still visit to the Netherlands, will only lead to misperceptions, misunderstandings and psychological situation that is not good, for Indonesia, for me, that until such it, held court at the time of my visit there, it is about our dignity as a nation, our honor as a nation concerned, so I took the decision to postpone".
The Dutch government if honest, it means having to open their mouth about the evil that was done the Government of Indonesia in 1950, and the Dutch government crimes in 1636, and 1646 (Hongitoten, in this Moluccan history, men and women big, small are killed as many as 15 000 by the power of the Government of the Netherlands, VOC). Pattimura War on May 8, 1817 at Saparua Island, Maluku, in coastal areas Waisisir, and after that, May 15, 1817 Pattimura (Thomas Matulessy, the hero of the people of Maluku), and his compatriots were invited to the city of Ambon, Moluccas, by the Dutch government in Ambon city at the time of Dutch colonial rule government of the day, but inside it was a dirty political game by the Dutch Government for peace talks sweetly with Pattimura, because they know that; Pattimura is a former British soldier, in the end in peace talks it became a murder of Pattimura and his compatriots (hanging), whereas the Moluccas Women Heroes namely: Martha Christina Tihahu brought by the Dutch warship to be punished in the Netherlands, but in fact at the time until in the Banda Sea (sea waters Maluku), Martha Christina Tihahu tied with iron chains by the Dutch army, VOC, and Martha Christina Tihahu thrown alive into the Banda Sea by the Dutch army, VOC. So the Queen of the Netherlands shall advise the Dutch government to be more inclined to justice, and wisdom to the people of Maluku so regardless of the crimes of the power of government in Indonesia (Java), because one time one day all will face the tribunal of God's most sacred, truth belongs to God, and not belong to man.
Paul Bastian Souisa http://www.angelfire.com/rock/hotburrito/laskar/ joshua070102.html
Paul Bastian Souisa
Below is a link about Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono supports the Jihad (terrorist). Given that prior to his position as President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono served as Minister for Politics and Security.
SBY supported Laskar Jihad in slaughtering Christians in Maluku and Poso. According to him the killings were a form of justice for the moslems in Indonesia.
Donna Khan hmm Anyway u go or read awlays religious wars .These hater cause problems for all people !
Paul Bastian Souisa It is the truth and we the one experienced it and not you, if you want the world to be peaceful, than you all need to realized it and fix it together for the better way for all..
Paul Bastian Souisa http://www.facebook.com/media/set/ ?set=a.1848935793772.210503 9.1552033107
This is a News Paper archipelago on January 19, 1999 in Indonesia, the News Paper Nusantara never lie to the public, it is why the company have got shut down by the government of Indonesia. Genesis misery of life in the Indonesian government due to the Arab political game behind the scenes, because of crazy ideology that developed as the religion of Islam, so that the killing among brothers happening in the various aspects of life. So, here's a state of life within the Indonesian state in accordance with the system because of crimes committed by the evil influence of Arab ideology that claimed to be the religion of Islam to the Indonesian government, and to the people of Java or against any nation in the former Dutch colony as their scam to dominate the entire archipelago in Indonesia , Which is under the authority of government in Java / Indonesia. Please to keep clicking to reach other photos so you cans continue read the news Until the finish, thank you. The conclusion of this news: Explained that the army who served as PHH (Melee Forces), they are involved in helping the Jihad to attack, shoot the original Moluccas, and especially against the original Christians of the Moluccas. Nation native Moluccan Muslims were forced by the participation of Javanese Islam for jihad against the Christians of Maluku. One act of the Government of Indonesia in their program, which is addressed by LEMHANAS (Institute for Defense and National Security Indonesia) for the implementation of religious conflict should occur. The involvement of police forces to help the jihad in the Moluccas. Involvement of General-General of the army, and police, in the Moluccas. You can see the link below about how evil the government of Indonesia in all matters of life crime that has been done by them to date, which the Indonesian government has violated the supreme law in Indonesia, namely: the 1945 Constitution, and also violated international law in the game their evil political. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=31965490&l=9f2137 9ba1&id=1552033107
Paul Bastian Souisa The link below is about Islam transmigration come from the Island of Java/Indonesia to Australia....
http://www.thepunch.com.au/ articles/ Mr-rudd-asylum-seekers-are- real-people/
Paul Bastian Souisa http://www.michr.net/moluccan-political-prisoner s-prisoners-of-conscience. html
Indonesia: Crackdown on freedom of expression in Maluku – Listen > AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL - PUBLIC STATEMENT 17 December 2008 AI Index No. ASA 21/021/2008
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