Dutch on the link below:
http://www.telegraaf.nl/ binnenland/11272037/ ___Excuses_aan_Molukkers___ .html
Wed January 9, 2012, 23:24
"The Netherlands should apologize to Moluccans'
LEERDAM - Netherlands must officially apologize to the Moluccan community. That said Mayor Victor Molkenboer (PvdA) from Leerdam Monday night in his speech.
He claims to be ashamed of the way the Moluccans in the Netherlands received. Molkenboer offered himself recently at a memorial meeting of the Moluccan community in Leerdam even apologized. "It would adorn the Dutch government to follow suit," he says.
Called the Moluccan island of Ambon in 1950 on their own republic. But the Indonesian military not accept this and continued the attack. The KNIL soldiers were ordered to the service go to the Netherlands. In 1951, about 12,500 Moluccans to our country. The intention was that after some time would be returning, but nothing came of it. The discontent this was one of the reasons for some violent actions of Moluccans in the 70s.
Leerdam has a relatively large Moluccan community. "Recognition of their situation, then make it easier for many a line under the past and continue to work on a new beginning," said Mayor Molkenboer.
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Statement of the Moluccas:
Maluku our nation, thank you for the "Mayor Holland" in taking his stance on the awareness about the problems of Maluku, which have not been addressed from the 1950s to the present, and we, as a nation Maluku, expecting that the overall administration of the Netherlands, should help the Maluku independence , so that all economies in the trade that has occurred can be run as usual, but through friendship with Maluku government itself, and not through the rule of Islamic Java / Indonesia is to organize all of that, because the government of Islamic Java / Indonesia is illegal administration / criminal, and all the natural wealth of the Moluccas, which has been performed by the government of Islamic Java / Indonesia with the international community, while the natural wealth that belongs to Maluku. Where we adjust the historical and legal basis on the link below:
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=263691453274 8&set=a.2417934098374.2133 513.1552033107&type=3&thea ter
It would be nice for the Maluku peoples, West Papuan peoples, ect, if the Dutch Government could do the right thing from now on about the right history of illegal occupation of Indonesian Islamic Government intervention to Maluku, West Papuan, ect, as you know this days that Melanesian island are included Indonesian province as Jakarta called to claimed it.
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Wed January 9, 2012, 23:24
"The Netherlands should apologize to Moluccans'
LEERDAM - Netherlands must officially apologize to the Moluccan community. That said Mayor Victor Molkenboer (PvdA) from Leerdam Monday night in his speech.
He claims to be ashamed of the way the Moluccans in the Netherlands received. Molkenboer offered himself recently at a memorial meeting of the Moluccan community in Leerdam even apologized. "It would adorn the Dutch government to follow suit," he says.
Called the Moluccan island of Ambon in 1950 on their own republic. But the Indonesian military not accept this and continued the attack. The KNIL soldiers were ordered to the service go to the Netherlands. In 1951, about 12,500 Moluccans to our country. The intention was that after some time would be returning, but nothing came of it. The discontent this was one of the reasons for some violent actions of Moluccans in the 70s.
Leerdam has a relatively large Moluccan community. "Recognition of their situation, then make it easier for many a line under the past and continue to work on a new beginning," said Mayor Molkenboer.
Statement of the Moluccas:
Maluku our nation, thank you for the "Mayor Holland" in taking his stance on the awareness about the problems of Maluku, which have not been addressed from the 1950s to the present, and we, as a nation Maluku, expecting that the overall administration of the Netherlands, should help the Maluku independence , so that all economies in the trade that has occurred can be run as usual, but through friendship with Maluku government itself, and not through the rule of Islamic Java / Indonesia is to organize all of that, because the government of Islamic Java / Indonesia is illegal administration / criminal, and all the natural wealth of the Moluccas, which has been performed by the government of Islamic Java / Indonesia with the international community, while the natural wealth that belongs to Maluku. Where we adjust the historical and legal basis on the link below:
It would be nice for the Maluku peoples, West Papuan peoples, ect, if the Dutch Government could do the right thing from now on about the right history of illegal occupation of Indonesian Islamic Government intervention to Maluku, West Papuan, ect, as you know this days that Melanesian island are included Indonesian province as Jakarta called to claimed it.

Fri 9 Jan 2012, 23:24
"Belanda harus meminta maaf kepada Maluku '
Leerdam - Belanda resmi harus meminta maaf kepada masyarakat Maluku. Itu kata Walikota Victor Molkenboer (PvdA) dari Senin malam Leerdam dalam sambutannya.
Dia mengaku malu karena cara orang Maluku di Belanda diterima. Molkenboer menawarkan diri baru-baru ini pada pertemuan peringatan masyarakat Maluku di Leerdam bahkan meminta maaf. "Ini akan menghiasi pemerintah Belanda untuk mengikuti," katanya.
Disebut Pulau Ambon Maluku pada tahun 1950 pada republik mereka sendiri. Namun militer Indonesia tidak menerima ini dan melanjutkan serangan itu. Para tentara KNIL diperintahkan ke layanan pergi ke Belanda. Pada tahun 1951, sekitar 12.500 orang Maluku ke negara kita. Tujuannya adalah bahwa setelah beberapa waktu akan kembali, tapi tidak ada yang datang dari itu. Ketidakpuasan ini adalah salah satu alasan untuk beberapa aksi kekerasan dari Maluku di tahun 70-an.
Leerdam memiliki komunitas Maluku yang relatif besar. "Pengakuan dari situasi mereka, kemudian membuat lebih mudah bagi banyak garis di bawah masa lalu dan terus bekerja pada sebuah awal yang baru," kata Walikota Molkenboer.
Pernyataan bangsa Maluku:
Kita bangsa Maluku, berterima kasih untuk "Walikota Belanda" didalam pengambilan sikap nya atas kesadaran tentang permasalahan Maluku, yang mana belum diatasi dari tahun 1950 hingga saat ini, dan kita, sebagai bangsa Maluku, mengharapkan supaya dari keseluruhan pemerintahan Belanda, harus membantu kemerdekaan Maluku, agar semua ekonomi dalam perdagangan yang telah terjadi dapat dijalankan seperti biasa, tetapi melalui persahabatan dengan pemerintahan Maluku itu sendiri, dan bukan melalui pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia yang untuk mengatur semua itu, sebab pemerintah Jawa Islam/Indonesia adalah pemerintahan ilegal/kriminal, dan semua kekayaan alam dari Maluku, yang mana telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah Jawa Islam/Indonesia dengan dunia internasional, sementara kekayaan alam itu adalah milik Maluku. Dimana kita sesuaikan dengan sejarah dan secara hukum pada link dibawah ini:
Akan lebih baik bagi masyarakat Maluku, orang Papua Barat, dll, jika Pemerintah Belanda bisa melakukan hal yang benar dari sekarang tentang sejarah hak pendudukan ilegal intervensi Pemerintah Islam Indonesia ke Maluku, Papua Barat, dll, seperti yang Anda tahu ini hari bahwa pulau Melanesia termasuk provinsi Indonesia sebagai Jakarta dipanggil untuk mengklaim itu.
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