Friday, June 29, 2012 | 4:30 pm
Allegations of Corruption
Din: Al Quran Procurement Corruption is Pathetic!
Authors: M Latif | Sunday, June 24th, 2012 | 13:22 pm
Do not let happen again become champions Ministry of Religious Affairs as the most corrupt ministry.
- Din Syamsudin
Statement of Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) some time ago, said Din, concerning an alleged corruption case could be re-procurement of the Koran put the Ministry of Religious Affairs as the most corrupt ministry.
"Do not let happen again to the Ministry of Religious Affairs 'champions' as the most corrupt ministry. It's embarrassing, and it's not in my opinion, but according to the ICW or the Institute for Transparency Indonesia said this, Kemenag be 'the most corrupt ministry'," said Din.
Din said the alleged corruption in the procurement of the Koran Ministry of Religious Affairs of a body of its own irony for Indonesia at this time.
"If the Ministry of Religious Affairs of corruption like this, how will if you want to do the development of religious life," he said.
Besides the matter of alleged corruption, Din also highlighted the problems of the hajj, which according to Din, the people of Indonesia and DPR impressed "silent".
"Especially concerning Hajj funds. This we all seemed quiet, the House was quiet. I got the information that needs to be explored and verified, that the pilgrim fund that has been how many trillions of dollars it's not clear right for prospective pilgrims, especially for those who wait five to 10 years. In fact, some of the funds that he made the pilgrimage sukuk. Well, this is not true, "he said.
Therefore, it called on the Ministry of Religious Affairs in order to transparently manage the fund because the fund pilgrims is a mandate that people do not get corrupted or perverted.
"I hope not to endure a 'champion' in this case the Ministry of Religious Affairs to be the most corrupt ministry," said Din.
Jumat, 29 Juni 2012 | 04:24 WIB
Dugaan Korupsi
Din: Korupsi Pengadaan Al Quran itu Menyedihkan!
Penulis : M Latief | Minggu, 24 Juni 2012 | 13:22 WIB
Jangan sampai terjadi lagi Kementerian Agama menjadi juara bertahan sebagai kementerian paling korup.
-- Din Syamsudin
Pernyataan Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) beberapa waktu lalu, kata Din, mengenai adanya dugaan kasus korupsi pengadaan Al Quran bisa kembali menempatkan Kementerian Agama sebagai kementerian terkorup.
"Jangan sampai terjadi lagi Kementerian Agama menjadi ’juara bertahan’ sebagai kementerian paling korup. Ini memang memalukan, dan itu bukan menurut saya, tapi menurut ICW atau Lembaga Transparasi Indonesia menuturkan selama ini, Kemenag menjadi ’kementerian paling korup’," ujar Din.
Menurut Din, dugaan korupsi pengadaan Al Quran di tubuh Kementerian Agama sebuah ironi tersendiri bagi bangsa Indonesia saat ini.
"Kalau di Kementerian Agama terjadi korupsi seperti ini, bagaimana nantinya kalau mau melakukan pembinaan kehidupan beragama," kata dia.
Selain soal dugaan korupsi tersebut, Din juga menyoroti tentang permasalahan haji, yang menurut Din, masyarakat Indonesia dan DPR terkesan "diam".
"Terutama menyangkut dana haji. Ini kita semua seolah diam, DPR juga diam. Saya mendapat informasi yang perlu didalami dan diverifikasi, bahwa dana haji yang sudah berapa triliun rupiah itu tidak jelas haknya bagi calon jamaah, terutama bagi yang menunggu lima hingga 10 tahun. Bahkan, sebagian dana haji itu katanya dijadikan sukuk. Nah, ini yang tidak benar," katanya.
Oleh karena itu, pihaknya mengimbau Kementerian Agama agar transparan dalam mengelola dana jamaah haji karena dana tersebut merupakan amanat umat yang jangan sampai dikorupsi atau diselewengkan.
"Saya berharap jangan bertahan jadi ’juara satu’ dalam hal ini Kementerian Agama menjadi kementerian paling korup," ujar Din.
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