Thursday 31 October 2013

Specifies arms aid for the needs of military and police in the country of Indonesia, which is under the illegal rule in Jakarta, is only for colonization for their barbaric treatment of other nations in each country concerned.

SBY Promises military weapons systems Modernization Completed in 2014

SBY Janjikan Modernisasi Alutsista TNI Tuntas 2014
Yudhoyono and First Lady Ani Yudhoyono will leave the country for a working visit to three ASEAN countries namely Singapore, Myanmar and Brunei Darussalam at Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport, Jakarta, Monday (22/4). A visit to Myanmar on April 23 to 24 is a return visit of the state visit of President U Thein Sein in Indonesia, at 5-6 May 2011. TEMPO / Subekti

TEMPO.CO, Situbondo - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) has promised to complete the modernization of the main tools of weapons systems (defense equipment) owned by the military before the end of his term. "God willing, the end of next year we have completed the modernization and development in the defense of our defense equipment," Yudhoyono said at the Combat Training Centre, Karangtekok, Situbondo, Friday, May 3, 2013.

SBY, present in Situbondo to witness the joint exercise 16 745 soldiers of the army, navy, air force in Puslatpur Karangtekok, Situbondo. Yudhoyono was accompanied by his wife, Ani Yudhoyono and Vice President Boediono and his wife.

According to Yudhoyono, the modernization of defense equipment is planned in the next five years in line with the improving economy of Indonesia. National income is higher than the current economic crisis 15 years ago, making Indonesia is able to provide a larger budget for the modernization of defense equipment.

Modernization of defense equipment, he said, does not mean that Indonesia intends to commit aggression to other countries. Therefore, Indonesia is a country of peace. War is a last resort when no other avenues such as diplomacy.

According to the President, modern defense equipment needed to maintain the sovereignty and integrity of the country. Moreover, today's modern era of warfare is more complicated and complex. "The sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia is set in stone," he said.

Commander for the "Task Force Information", Joint Exercises TNI (Indonesian Armed Forces) in 2013, Colonel Bedjo Suprapto, said the joint exercise this year is the largest. "We muster all weapons system," he said.

Navy deployed 36 warships (KRI => Ships of the Republic of Indonesia) and 17 units of BMP-3F amphibious tanks NBO-105. Air Force deployed five aircraft Sukhoi SU 27/30, five Hawk aircraft SPO, five F-16, and 11 C-30 aircraft. While the Army lowered 14 Scorpion Tank unit, 12 units of Mi-17 helicopters, 21 cannon and shoots 12 Bell helicopters.

The birth of the Indonesian nation is from the dirty politics of illegal government acts on Javanese Islam in Jakarta. Look at the history of the Republic of Indonesia illegally in dirty revolution, resulting in they have violated the provisions of international law which protects the rights of every nation in the world on the relationship between the independent nation:

Military aggression that has been done by the government of Islamic Java / Indonesia against the Moluccas, in the Maluku archipelago country, has been done by the illegal government in Jakarta / Indonesia to the people of West Papua, and East Timor as well, before the independence of East Timor in spite of the illegal colonial Islamic Java / Indonesia which is based in Jakarta.

Government of Islamic Java / Indonesia always use all sorts of ways in which they do that is, to embrace foreign countries in the dirty business, for the achievement of political objectives in profits in the Indonesian state government political class, which is in power at that time in targeting, as an example done by them before, about examples of things in the perspective of political targeting, on the need for government:

See more on: Republic of South Maluku (Moluccas)


Memerikan bantuan persenjataan bagi kebutuhan militer dan polisi di negara Indonesia, yang mana dibawah pemerintahan ilegal di Jakarta, adalah hanya untuk kolonisasi untuk perlakuan biadab mereka di tiap negeri bangsa lain yang bersangkutan.

SBY Janjikan Modernisasi Alutsista TNI Tuntas 2014

SBY Janjikan Modernisasi Alutsista TNI Tuntas 2014
SBY dan Ibu Ani Yudhoyono saat akan meninggalkan tanah air untuk melakukan kunjungan kerja ke tiga negara ASEAN yakni Singapura, Myanmar dan Brunei Darussalam di Bandara Halim Perdana Kusuma, Jakarta, Senin (22/4). Kunjungan ke Myanmar pada 23-24 April merupakan kunjungan balasan atas kunjungan kenegaraan Presiden U Thein Sein ke Indonesia, pada 5-6 Mei 2011. TEMPO/Subekti

TEMPO.CO, Situbondo -- Presiden RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) berjanji akan menuntaskan modernisasi peralatan utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) milik TNI sebelum akhir jabatannya. "Insya Allah akhir tahun depan kita tuntaskan modernisasi dan pembangunan pertahanan alutsista kita," kata SBY di Pusat Latihan Tempur, Karangtekok, Situbondo, Jumat, 3 Mei 2013.

SBY hadir di Situbondo untuk menyaksikan latihan gabungan 16.745 prajurit TNI AD, TNI AL, TNI AU di Puslatpur Karangtekok, Situbondo. SBY didampingi istri, Ani Yudhoyono dan Wakil Presiden Boediono beserta istri.

Menurut SBY, modernisasi alutsista sudah direncanakan dalam kurun lima tahun seiring dengan membaiknya perekonomian Indonesia. Pendapatan nasional yang lebih tinggi dibanding saat krisis ekonomi 15 tahun silam menjadikan Indonesia mampu memberikan anggaran lebih besar untuk modernisasi alutsista.

Modernisasi alutsista, kata dia, bukan berarti Indonesia berniat melakukan agresi ke negara-negara lain. Sebab, Indonesia merupakan negara cinta damai. Perang merupakan jalan terakhir bila tidak ada jalan lain seperti diplomasi.

Menurut Presiden, alutsista modern dibutuhkan untuk menjaga kedaulatan dan keutuhan negara. Apalagi peperangan era modern saat ini lebih rumit dan kompleks. "Kedaulatan dan keutuhan wilayah NKRI adalah harga mati," katanya.

Komandan Satuan Tugas Penerangan Latihan Gabungan TNI 2013, Kolonel Bedjo Suprapto, mengatakan latihan gabungan tahun ini merupakan terbesar. "Kami kerahkan semua alutsista," kata dia.

TNI AL mengerahkan 36 kapal perang (KRI) dan 17 unit tank amfibi BMP-3F NBO-105. TNI AU mengerahkan lima pesawat Sukhoi SU 27/30, lima pesawat Hawk SPO, lima F-16, serta 11 pesawat C-30. Sementara TNI AD menurunkan 14 unit Tank Scorpion, 12 unit helikopter Mi-17, 21 pucuk meriam dan 12 helikopter Bell.

Kelahiran bagi negara Indonesia adalah dari hasil politik kotor dari perbuatan pemerintahan ilegal pada Jawa Islam di Jakarta. Lihat pada sejarah ilegal Republik Indonesia dalam revolusi kotor, sehingga mengakibatkan mereka telah melanggar ketetapan hukum internasional yang mana melindungi tiap hak bangsa di dunia pada relasi diantara bangsa yang merdeka:

Agresi militer yang telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah Jawa Islam/Indonesia terhadap bangsa Maluku, di kepulauan negara Maluku, telah dilakukan oleh pemerintahan ilegal Jakarta/Indonesia terhadap bangsa Papua Barat, dan Timur Timor juga, sebelum kemerdekaan Timur Timor terlepas dari ilegal kolonial Jawa Islam/Indonesia yang mana berkedudukan di Jakarta.

Pemerintah Jawa islam/Indonesia selalu menggunakan segala macam cara yang mana dilakukan oleh mereka, yaitu: untuk merangkul negara-negara asing dalam bisnis kotor, demi tercapainya dari tujuan politik negara Indonesia dalam keuntungan di golongan politik pemerintahan, yang mana berkuasa pada saat itu di penargetannya, seperti contoh yang dilakukan oleh mereka sebelumnya, tentang contoh di hal-hal perspektif pada penargetan politik, di kebutuhan pemerintahannya:

Lihat lebih pada: Republic of South Maluku (Moluccas)

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