After Libya, Papua is the Next U.S. Target
Latest breaking news. Case in Libya similar to the case of East Timor, on the grounds of Human Rights, Democracy and the United Nations, East Timor finally Apart from Indonesia. Under pressure Australia, America and the United Nations on behalf of Human Rights and Democracy, BJ Habibie government finally when it could no longer face political pressure from the barrage of capitalist invaders who target oil in Timor gap.
as well as Libya, on the grounds of human rights U.S. and its allies attacked the Gaddafi government when the ends are to control the oil in Libya.
According to military analysts mother Connie Rahakundini Bakrie, a scenario the U.S. attacked Libya and the Middle East has been designed from the beginning. because all these countries there is a great source of petroleum. Even Mother Connie adding that the next U.S. target is Papua.
wow .. really surprising ..!!!!
Statement mother Connie on broadcast TVOne Saturday 26 / 3 2011 was not without foundation. The news of Papua into the next U.S. target have been circulating in intelligence circles.
A source in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed the existence of intensive efforts of several members of congress of the United Democratic Party to the Free Papua Organization (OPM) to assist the process towards Papuan independence gradually.
Since the appearance of President Barack Obama at the White House presidential throne, practical American foreign policy is very colored by the bow of Democrats who are very forward about human rights. Because it is not surprising that Obama and some Democratic politicians who have an agenda of liberating Papua off Indonesia, it looks like it will be wind.
Some facts on the ground supporting our sources of information on the State Department. Why not. In the last two months, the U.S. House of Representatives, has been scheduled for the U.S. House of Representatives issued a draft FOREIGN RELATION ACT Authorization (FRAA) which specifically includes a specific reference on Papua.
If this bill passes, it means that there are some strategic elements in Washington who had been planning to support an option to gradually liberate Papua. And this means, facilities and devices that will play the U.S. in pushing this option is, through a clandestine intelligence operations and take advantage of an underground network that has been fostered by the CIA and State Department intelligence.
Therefore, the Department of Foreign Affairs must be ready from now to anticipate the new scenario the U.S. in creating a destabilizing action in Papua. Means, the State Department should begin to realize that America will no longer just calling the various elements of the TNI and police to stop the human rights violations by security forces.
American interference with the script trying to Papua can be detached from Homeland. Americans certainly have reason to Papua separated from Indonesia, Papua is the black pearl of the east, a very rich soil, with a wealth of outstanding natural number and the amount of gold in the hills of abundant Freeport made the colonists greedy capitalists salivating made.
However, if we know the distribution of royalties to freeport Indonesia only got 1%, while foreign got 99%.
ya, really funny ..
the handyman hoe outcome far more than the landless.
The main reason is the issue of separation of Papua from the Republic of Indonesia, is the poverty, the government of Indonesia is not capable of alleviating poverty in Papua, separatist cause issues develop.
Poverty in Papua is one result of Capitalism system applied in Indonesia, Papua gold should be able to prosperity of the people of Papua and Freeport instead robbed by foreign-owned companies Capitalist invaders.
Issues of human rights and democracy which is being developed by the United States in order to escape from the Unitary Republic of Indonesia in Papua, the issue is expected to occur referendum on Papuan soil. Which subsequently led to the secession of Papua from the Homeland.
Because of that I call out to the citizens of Indonesia
forget the problem of differences in ethnicity, religion, race ..
let us unite. Beware joint mass movement that leads to anarchy. Beware of organizations that want to fight for Papua quibble.
Be careful because the foreign intelligence already exists all around us.
Let us together - just keep the sovereignty of Indonesia in order not to split.
This news is not just nonsense. You can bookmark this post and then wait some time later. if our government is weak, then Papua will secede, from the sovereignty of Indonesia.
My explanation:
Attitude and the nature of the government's Islamic Java / Indonesia, acting as if the blame for the actions of the U.S. government about the incident in Indonesia, making Indonesia the national news is always blamed for the actions of U.S. government, which has no connection with anything that has been occurred in West Papua. The desire to own the sovereignty of the people of West Papua is 100% of their will, and not the will of the government of USA.
Persuasion is based on a big mistake for the government of Indonesia and the people are always fooled by their own government in the crimes. If they are good, and staying in the nature of God, and respect the rights of human life, and which under the laws of the state of democracy, then it is certainly doing their best and do not violate human norms and legal norms that apply to all.
Indonesia which has made them break all the rules, which the Lord did not teach such crimes.
This law in their country relating to human rights issues, in which international law has been protecting the rights of human sensation, which is made in such a way to follow as a democracy, can be seen below:
Why Islamic government of Java / Indonesia are government criminals and terrorists? Therefore, the new Indonesian state born of violence by the military, and government Islamic Java / Indonesia has violated legal rules his own country, and also against the rules of international law. Please see the explanation of truth and reality on the law applicable to some system of government on the basis of law below:
State of Indonesia based on the highest law in Indonesia, namely: the 1945 Constitution. This law can not be changed by anyone in Indonesia, with the exception of the revolution.
In Indonesia the State government system according to the Constitution of the state of Indonesia in Chapter III, on "Power of State Government", that:
Article 4 and Article 5, paragraph 2, reads:
"The president is the head of the executive power in the country. To execute the laws, the President has the authority to enact regulations.
Article 10, reads:
"The President is the Supreme Commander of the Army, Navy
Sea, and Air Force ".
In this case, that the President of Indonesia is real under the laws of Indonesia, should be responsible for the violent acts of military violence outside the limits of humanity, which has been conducted by the Indonesian military in West Papua country, and also in the Maluku archipelago country, from the first up to now.
In section 10 of the 1945 Constitution, the Indonesian police are not listed on the rule of law state of Indonesia, where the President is to hold power over the Indonesian military.
In this case, the Indonesian police is an elite unit of the terrorist forces that create chaos everywhere, as in fact the police to maintain order in society in the country concerned, for example, is the Force of Detachment 88.
CHAPTER V: "MINISTRY OF STATE", article 17, reads:
(1). The President is assisted by state ministers.
(2). Ministers are appointed and dismissed by the President.
(3). Every minister in charge of certain affairs in the government.
The sense is: All the rules of the state in accordance with the laws of the state of Indonesia, but remains under the authority of the President of Indonesia, the political system and everything that happens is the responsibility of the President for what happened. (Adapted with Article 4 and Article 5, paragraph 2, reads:
"The president is the head of the executive power in the country. To execute the laws, the President has the authority to enact regulations").
Article 14, reads:
(1). The President may grant clemency and rehabilitation taking into consideration the Supreme Court.
(2). The President may grant amnesty and abolition taking into consideration the House of Representatives.
In terms of article 14, paragraph 1, that the meaning is: any decision of the Supreme Court will remain under consideration and a decision on the powers of the President, tailored to the laws of the state, where the articles 4 and 5 have stated that the President is the Supreme state government in Indonesia.
While in article 14, paragraph 2, that the sense is: "The President may grant amnesty and abolition, but in this case that, everything will be done and that has been done by an amnesty in Indonesia will always hold on to power of President in accordance with the rules of law, Indonesia state laws, so the result of an amnesty in Indonesia are the results obtained may be empty. "
(The above adjusted to Article 4 and Article 5, paragraph 2, reads:
"The president is the head of the executive power in the country. To execute the laws, the President has the authority to enact regulations").
In Indonesia the state government has "Advisory Council (advisory)", the same meaning as "the Supreme Advisory Council / Law", it is contained in Article 16 of the 1945 Constitution. But the sense in this case consistent with the fact, that: "In the Supreme Advisory Council, in carrying out his duties as legal advisor, in the good treatment of legal counsel, or treatment that is not good by legal counsel, remain under the authority and decisions of the President, adjusted for in Article 4 and Article 5, paragraph 2, reads:
"The president is the head of the executive power in the country. To execute the laws, the President has the authority to enact regulations".
So the rule of Islamic Java / Indonesia is illegal and terrorist, it's time to be dissolved, because only an attitude born of mere terrorists and criminals, so that state regulations have been violated, and also violated international rules.
This law in their country relating to human rights issues, in which international law has been protecting the rights of human sensation, which is made in such a way to follow as a democracy, can be seen below:
Why Islamic government of Java / Indonesia are government criminals and terrorists? Therefore, the new Indonesian state born of violence by the military, and government Islamic Java / Indonesia has violated legal rules his own country, and also against the rules of international law. Please see the explanation of truth and reality on the law applicable to some system of government on the basis of law below:
State of Indonesia based on the highest law in Indonesia, namely: the 1945 Constitution. This law can not be changed by anyone in Indonesia, with the exception of the revolution.
In Indonesia the State government system according to the Constitution of the state of Indonesia in Chapter III, on "Power of State Government", that:
Article 4 and Article 5, paragraph 2, reads:
"The president is the head of the executive power in the country. To execute the laws, the President has the authority to enact regulations.
Article 10, reads:
"The President is the Supreme Commander of the Army, Navy
Sea, and Air Force ".
In this case, that the President of Indonesia is real under the laws of Indonesia, should be responsible for the violent acts of military violence outside the limits of humanity, which has been conducted by the Indonesian military in West Papua country, and also in the Maluku archipelago country, from the first up to now.
In section 10 of the 1945 Constitution, the Indonesian police are not listed on the rule of law state of Indonesia, where the President is to hold power over the Indonesian military.
In this case, the Indonesian police is an elite unit of the terrorist forces that create chaos everywhere, as in fact the police to maintain order in society in the country concerned, for example, is the Force of Detachment 88.
CHAPTER V: "MINISTRY OF STATE", article 17, reads:
(1). The President is assisted by state ministers.
(2). Ministers are appointed and dismissed by the President.
(3). Every minister in charge of certain affairs in the government.
The sense is: All the rules of the state in accordance with the laws of the state of Indonesia, but remains under the authority of the President of Indonesia, the political system and everything that happens is the responsibility of the President for what happened. (Adapted with Article 4 and Article 5, paragraph 2, reads:
"The president is the head of the executive power in the country. To execute the laws, the President has the authority to enact regulations").
Article 14, reads:
(1). The President may grant clemency and rehabilitation taking into consideration the Supreme Court.
(2). The President may grant amnesty and abolition taking into consideration the House of Representatives.
In terms of article 14, paragraph 1, that the meaning is: any decision of the Supreme Court will remain under consideration and a decision on the powers of the President, tailored to the laws of the state, where the articles 4 and 5 have stated that the President is the Supreme state government in Indonesia.
While in article 14, paragraph 2, that the sense is: "The President may grant amnesty and abolition, but in this case that, everything will be done and that has been done by an amnesty in Indonesia will always hold on to power of President in accordance with the rules of law, Indonesia state laws, so the result of an amnesty in Indonesia are the results obtained may be empty. "
(The above adjusted to Article 4 and Article 5, paragraph 2, reads:
"The president is the head of the executive power in the country. To execute the laws, the President has the authority to enact regulations").
In Indonesia the state government has "Advisory Council (advisory)", the same meaning as "the Supreme Advisory Council / Law", it is contained in Article 16 of the 1945 Constitution. But the sense in this case consistent with the fact, that: "In the Supreme Advisory Council, in carrying out his duties as legal advisor, in the good treatment of legal counsel, or treatment that is not good by legal counsel, remain under the authority and decisions of the President, adjusted for in Article 4 and Article 5, paragraph 2, reads:
"The president is the head of the executive power in the country. To execute the laws, the President has the authority to enact regulations".
So the rule of Islamic Java / Indonesia is illegal and terrorist, it's time to be dissolved, because only an attitude born of mere terrorists and criminals, so that state regulations have been violated, and also violated international rules.
Setelah Libya , Target AS Selanjutnya Adalah Papua
Berita heboh terkini. Kasus di Libya hampir sama dengan kasus Timor Timur, dengan alasan HAM, Demokrasi dan PBB, akhirnya Timor Timur Lepas dari Indonesia. Dibawah tekanan Australia, Amerika dan PBB atas nama HAM dan Demokrasi, akhirnya pemerintah BJ Habibie saat itu tidak sanggup lagi menghadapi tekanan politik yang bertubi-tubi dari para penjajah Kapitalis yang mengincar Minyak di celah Timor.
begitu juga dengan libya, dengan alasan HAM AS dan sekutunya menyerang pemerintahan Khadafi padahal ujung-ujungnya adalah ingin menguasai minyak di libya.
Menurut pengamat militer ibu Connie Rahakundini Bakrie, skenario AS menyerang libya dan timur tengah sudah di rancang dari awal. karena semua negara tersebut terdapat sumber minyak bumi yang besar. Bahkan Ibu connie menambahi kalau sasaran AS selanjutnya adalah papua.
wow..benar-benar mengagetkan..!!!!
Pernyataan ibu connie pada siaran tv one sabtu 26/3 2011 bukannya tanpa dasar. Kabar Papua menjadi target AS berikutnya sudah beredar di kalangan intelejen.
Sebuah sumber di lingkungan Departemen Luar Negeri mengungkap adanya usaha intensif dari beberapa anggota kongres dari Partai Demokrat Amerika kepada Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM) untuk membantu proses ke arah kemerdekaan Papua secara bertahap.
Karena dengan tampilnya Presiden Barrack Obama di tahta kepresidenan Gedung Putih, praktis politik luar negeri Amerika amat diwarnai oleh haluan Partai Demokrat yang memang sangat mengedepankan soal hak-hak asasi manusia. Karena itu tidak heran jika Obama dan beberapa politisi Demokrat yang punya agenda memerdekakan Papua lepas dari Indonesia, sepertinya memang akan diberi angin.
Beberapa fakta lapangan mendukung informasi sumber kami di Departemen Luar Negeri tersebut. Betapa tidak. Dalam dua bulan terakhir ini, US House of Representatives, telah mengagendakan agar DPR Amerika tersebut mengeluarkan rancangan FOREIGN RELATION AUTHORIZATION ACT (FRAA) yang secara spesifik memuat referensi khusus mengenai Papua.
Kalau RUU ini lolos, berarti ada beberapa elemen strategis di Washington yang memang berencana mendukung sebuah opsi untuk memerdekakan Papua secara bertahap. Dan ini berarti, sarana dan perangkat yang akan dimainkan Amerika dalam menggolkan opsi ini adalah, melalui operasi intelijen yang bersifat tertutup dan memanfaatkan jaringan bawah tanah yang sudah dibina oleh CIA maupun intelijen Departemen Luar Negeri Amerika.
Karena itu, Departemen Luar Negeri RI haruslah siap dari sekarang untuk mengantisipasi skenario baru Amerika dalam menciptakan aksi destabilisasi di Papua. Berarti, Departemen Luar Negeri harus mulai menyadari bahwa Amerika tidak akan lagi sekadar menyerukan berbagai elemen di TNI maupun kepolisian untuk menghentikan adanya pelanggaran-pelanggaran HAM oleh aparat keamanan.
campur tangan Amerika dengan skenarionya berusaha agar Papua dapat terlepas dari NKRI. Amerika tentu punya alasan agar Papua lepas dari Indonesia, Papua adalah mutiara hitam dari timur, sebuah tanah yang kaya raya, dengan kekayaan alam yang luar biasa banyaknya serta kandungan emas di bukit Freeport yang melimpah membuat para Kapitalis penjajah serakah ngiler dibuatnya.
Padahal kalau kita tahu pembagian royalty freeport indonesia hanya mendapat 1 %, sedangkan asing mendapat 99%.
sungguh lucu yah..
masa tukang cangkul hasilnya jauh lebih banyak dari yang punya tanah.
Alasan utama yang menjadi isu pemisahan Papua dari NKRI, adalah Kemiskinan, pemerintah Indonesia yang tidak mampu mengentaskan kemiskinan di Papua, menyebabkan isu-isu sparatis berkembang.
Kemiskinan Papua adalah salah satu akibat dari sistem Kapitalisme yang diterapkan di Indonesia, emas Papua yang seharusnya mampu memakmurkan rakyat Papua justru dirampok oleh Freeport dan perusahaan asing milik Kapitalis Penjajah.
Isu-isu HAM dan Demokrasi yang sedang dikembangkan oleh Amerika Serikat agar Papua bisa lepas dari NKRI, dengan isu ini diharapkan akan terjadi referendum bagi tanah Papua. Yang selanjutnya mengantarkan Papua ke arah pemisahan diri dari NKRI.
Karena itu Saya himbau kepada warga indonesia
lupakanlah masalah perbedaan suku, agama, ras..
mari kita bersatu. Waspadai bersama gerakan ormas yang menjurus pada anarkis. Waspadai ormas yang berdalih ingin memperjuangkan papua.
Berhati-hatilah karena intelejen asing sudah ada di sekitar kita.
Mari kita sama - sama jaga kedaulatan RI supaya tidak sampai terpecah belah.
Berita ini bukan sekedar omong kosong. Anda bisa bookmark postingan ini kemudian tunggu beberapa waktu nanti. jika pemerintah kita lemah, maka papua akan memisahkan diri, dari kedaulatan RI.
Penjelasan saya:
Sikap dan sifat dari pemerintah Jawa Islam/Indonesia, bertindak seakan-akan adalah dari kesalahan atas perbuatan pemerintahan USA tentang kejadian didalam negara Indonesia, sehingga pada berita nasional Indonesia adalah selalu menyalahkan atas perbuatan pemerintahan USA, yang mana tidak mempunyai kaitan dengan segala hal yang telah terjadi di Papua Barat. Keinginan untuk kedaulatan sendiri dari bangsa Papua Barat adalah 100% dari kemauan mereka, dan bukan kemauan atas pemerintahan USA.
Bujukan yang berdasarkan kesalahan besar bagi pemerintahan Indonesia dan rakyat yang selalu dibodohi oleh pemerintahan mereka sendiri dalam kejahatan. Apabila mereka baik, dan tinggal dalam hakekat dari Tuhan, dan menghargai hak-hak hidup manusia, dan yang mana berdasarkan hukum demokrasi negara, maka sudah tentunya melakukan yang terbaik dan tidak melanggar norma-norma manusia dan norma-norma hukum yang berlaku untuk semua.
Inilah kejahatan Indonesia -Arab yang mana telah membuat mereka melanggar segala aturan, dimana Tuhan pun tidak mengajarkan kejahatan yang sedemikian rupa.
Hal hukum di negara mereka yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan hak asasi manusia, dimana hukum internasional telah melindungi hak-hak sasi manusia, yang dibuat sedemikian rupa untuk di ikuti sebagai negara demokrasi, dapat terlihat dibawah ini:
Kenapa pemerintahan Jawa islam/Indonesia adalah pemerintahan kriminal dan teroris? Sebab, negara Indonesia baru dilahirkan berdasarkan dari kekerasan militer, dan pemerintah Jawa Islam/Indonesia telah melanggar peraturan hukum negaranya sendiri, dan juga melanggar peraturan hukum internasional. Silahkan melihat pada penjelasan dari kebenaran dan kenyataan pada hukum yang berlaku pada beberapa sistem pemerintahan pada dasar hukum dibawah ini:
Negara Indonesia berdasarkan hukum tertinggi di Indonesia, yaitu: UUD 1945. Hukum ini tidak dapat dirubah oleh siapapun di Indonesia, terkecuali adanya revolusi.
Didalam sistem pemerintahan Negara Indonesia menurut Undang-undang Dasar negara Indonesia pada Bab III, tentang "Kekuasaan Pemerintahan Negara", bahwa:
Pasal 4 dan pasal 5, ayat 2, berbunyi:
"Presiden adalah kepala kekuasaan eksekutif dalam negara. Untuk menjalankan undang-undang, Presiden mempunyai kekuasaan untuk menetapkan peraturan pemerintah.
Pasal 10, berbunyi:
"Presiden memegang kekuasaan yang tertinggi atas Angkatan Darat, Angkatan
Laut, dan Angkatan Udara".
Didalam hal ini, bahwa Presiden Indonesia adalah nyata berdasarkan hukum negara Indonesia, harus bertanggung jawab atas tindakan kekerasan-kerasan militer diluar batas kemanusiaan, yang mana telah dilakukan oleh para militer Indonesia di negera Papua Barat, dan juga di wilayah kepulauan negara Maluku, dari dulu sampai dengan sekarang.
Didalam pasal 10 dari UUD 1945, polisi Indonesia tidak tercantum pada aturan hukum negara Indonesia, dimana Presiden adalah memegang kekuasaan atas para militer Indonesia.
Pada hal ini, maka polisi Indonesia merupakan kesatuan elit dari pasukan teroris yang membuat kekacauan dimana-mana, sebagaimana polisi sebenarnya untuk menjaga ketertiban di masyarakat pada negara bersangkutan, contohnya adalah Pasukan dari DENSUS 88.
BAB V: "KEMENTERIAN NEGARA", pasal 17, berbunyi:
(1). Presiden dibantu oleh Menteri-menteri negara.
(2). Menteri-menteri itu diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh Presiden.
(3). Setiap menteri membidangi urusan tertentu dalam pemerintahan.
Pengertiannya adalah: Segala aturan negara sesuai dengan undang-undang dasar negara Indonesia, tetapi tetap dibawah kekuasaan Presiden Indonesia, dan segala sesuatu sistem politik yang terjadi adalah tanggung jawab dari pada Presiden atas kejadian itu. (Disesuaikan dengan Pasal 4 dan pasal 5, ayat 2, berbunyi:
"Presiden adalah kepala kekuasaan eksekutif dalam negara. Untuk menjalankan undang-undang, Presiden mempunyai kekuasaan untuk menetapkan peraturan pemerintah").
Pasal 14, berbunyi:
(1). Presiden memberi grasi dan rehabilitasi dengan memperhatikan pertimbangan Mahkamah Agung.
(2). Presiden memberi amnesti dan abolisi dengan memperhatikan pertimbangan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat.
Dalam hal pasal 14, ayat 1, bahwa pengertiannya adalah: segala keputusan dari makamah Agung akan tetap dibawah pertimbangan dan keputusan dari pada kekuasaan Presiden, disesuaikan dengan undang-undang dasar negara, dimana pada pasal 4 dan 5 telah menyatakan bahwa Presiden memegang kekuasaan yang tertinggi didalam pemerintahan negara Indonesia.
Sedangkan pada pasal 14, ayat 2, bahwa pengertiannya adalah: "Presiden boleh memberikan amnesti dan abolisi, tetapi didalam hal ini bahwa, segala sesuatu yang akan dilakukan dan yang telah dilakukan oleh amnesti di Indonesia akan selalu berpegang pada kekuasaan Presiden sesuai dengan aturan undang-undang negara Indonesia, jadi hasil dari amnesti di Indonesia adalah hasilnya boleh didapatkan kosong belaka".
(Hal diatas disesuaikan dengan Pasal 4 dan pasal 5, ayat 2, berbunyi:
"Presiden adalah kepala kekuasaan eksekutif dalam negara. Untuk menjalankan undang-undang, Presiden mempunyai kekuasaan untuk menetapkan peraturan pemerintah").
Didalam pemerintahan negara Indonesia mempunyai "Dewan Pertimbangan (penasehat)", sama artinya seperti "Dewan Pertimbangan Agung/Hukum", hal ini terdapat pada pasal 16 UUD 1945. Tetapi pengertian didalam hal ini sesuai dengan kenyataan, bahwa: "Pada Dewan Pertimbangan Agung, didalam melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai penasehat hukum, didalam perlakuan yang baik dari penasehat hukum, atau perlakuan yang tidak baik oleh penasehat hukum, tetap dibawah kekuasaan dan keputusan dari pada Presiden, sebab disesuaikan pada Pasal 4 dan pasal 5, ayat 2, berbunyi:
"Presiden adalah kepala kekuasaan eksekutif dalam negara. Untuk menjalankan undang-undang, Presiden mempunyai kekuasaan untuk menetapkan peraturan pemerintah".
Jadi pemerintahan Jawa Islam/Indonesia ilegal dan teroris ini, sudah waktunya untuk dibubarkan, karena hanya dilahirkan dari sikap teroris dan kriminal belaka, sehingga peraturan negara telah dilanggar, dan juga melanggar peraturan internasional.
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