Monday 4 June 2012

Government of the Islamic Java / Indonesia should be dissolved without any condition, and should be tried in International Court of Justice.

Letter to the government of the United States at the time of the attack on the World Trade Center by the Jihad, the Islamic revolution touched on the situation in the world, where Indonesia is one of Javanese Islamic government that has involvement with a link Jihad (Terrorist) internationally.

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Crimes of the Islamic government of Java / Indonesia should be stopped, and still be held responsible, and they should be at the trial in an international court, in accordance with international law.

The thing that need to be seen again carefully, so that justice can be created for the needy...
Republic of South Maluku (Moluccas)


Surat kepada pemerintah Amerika Serikat pada waktu kejadian penyerangan di Pusat Perdagangan Dunia oleh para Jihad, menyinggung tentang keadaan revolusi Islam di dunia, dimana Indonesia adalah salah satu pemerintahan Jawa islam yang mempunyai keterlibatan dengan link Jihad (Teroris) internasional.

Relasi Berita pada: Kejahatan pemerintah Islam Jawa / Indonesia harus dihentikan, dan masih bertanggung jawab, dan mereka harus di sidang di pengadilan internasional, sesuai dengan hukum internasional.

Hal yang perlu dilihat lagi dengan hati-hati, sehingga keadilan dapat dibuat bagi yang membutuhkan...
Republic of South Maluku (Moluccas)

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