Monday, 7 May 2012

Stages that have been carried out in accordance with a program of the government of Java / Indonesia against the Moluccas.

Translation of the document above is down below:

Number: PAS2.PK.01.05.06-595

Appendix: 1 Sheet

Subject: Proposed Completed Parole

To the Honorable Head Office of the Moluccas c.q.

Head of the Division of Corrections Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Maluku.


Notice the letter, No: W18.PAS.PK.05.06-1115 dated July 26, 2011, concerning the proposal of the Parole Prisoners, having done the research files and discussions in the Special TTP trial IX, in 2011, dated August 23, 2011, there remains a lack of completeness of the administrative requirements to file proposals on behalf of the Parole:

1). Inmates Name: Simon Saiya alias Monce. Technical Implementation Unit: Prison (Prison) Class II A Ambon. Administrative Requirements that have not been completed:

a). Certificate of no other case of Public Prosecutor, which legalized by Kalapas (Head Penitentiary).

b). Construction progress report on the program is devoted to fostering awareness of state and nation.

c). The letter is concerned about the statement of loyalty to the Homeland (example attached Statement). d). Copy of Family Card certified by the village head, which shows the relationship between prisoners by the Guarantor.

2). Name of prisoner: Erwin Maruanaya Maryono alias. Technical Implementation Unit: Prison (Prison) Class II A Ambon. Administrative Requirements that have not been completed:

a). Certificate of no other case of Public Prosecutor, which legalized by Kalapas (Head Penitentiary).

b). Construction progress report on the program is devoted to fostering awareness of state and nation.

c). The letter is concerned about the statement of loyalty to the Homeland (example attached Statement).

d). Copy of Family Card certified by the village head, which shows the relationship between prisoners by the Guarantor.

3). Name of prisoner: Piere Pattiasina aka Pier. Technical Implementation Unit: Prison (Prison) Class II A Ambon. Administrative Requirements that have not been completed:

a). Certificate of no other case of Public Prosecutor, which legalized by Kalapas (Head Penitentiary).

b). Construction progress report on the program is devoted to fostering awareness of state and nation.

c). The letter is concerned about the statement of loyalty to the Homeland (example attached Statement).

d). Copy of Family Card certified by the village head, which shows the relationship between prisoners by the Guarantor. In this regard, we hope that lack of these requirements in order to be completed in the first instance, so Parole proposal can be immediately acted upon.
Thus we say, thank you for your attention pronounced. Director of Prisoners and Detainees Services Rachmat Prio Sutardjo NIP. 19580226 198203 1002 Copied to the honorable:

1). Director General of Corrections in Jakarta (the report).

2). Police Chief (Republic of Indonesia) c.q.

Detachment Chief 88/anti terror in Police Headquarters.

3). Head of Correctional Institution, Class II A Ambon. 
MOLUCCAN POLITICAL PRISONERS: PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE - Moluccas International Campaign for Human Rights



TNI and the Police Department attempted to kill ethnic and TAPOL Maluku in Ambon, Maluku.

On December 9, 2011 at 10:00 am s / d 15:30 EDT (Eastern Indonesia Time) has held coordination meetings held at military area command headquarters Pattimura in Ambon, Maluku, which was attended by members of the intelligence of all who served in the Maluku islands .

Results and discussion materials are:

Preparation of the political tasks that occur in the Moluccas.

Kidnappings and violence against ethnic and indigenous tribes Moluccas, which are involved directly or indirectly as RMS activists who still exist. Before the meeting of the coordination of intelligence in a series of activities carried out there are some that have been performed as a stage of preparation and data collection to facilitate the implementation of this kidnapping when arriving on time.

In early October of 2011 through the head of the institution begun and class II A in Ambon, Maluku, where there are prisoners activists RMS (Republic of South Maluku) in the resistance, it has provisions apply if the families of the prisoners RMS activists, making visits to the institutions begun and classes II A in Ambon, Maluku, it is required to carry identity cards (ID / Identification), and visits from inmates RMS in the compulsory to fill in a list or book a visit by presenting the identity card.

On 18 and 19 November in 2011 in cooperation with the intelligence agency heads class II A Correctional Institution in Ambon, Maluku, namely: Farid Efendi Junaedi and with the joint staff of the security chief Correctional Institution (KPLP), namely: Yohanis Litay, there came some from members of the intelligence in the prison Ambon, Maluku, to monitor the presence of each visit from TAPOL (Political Prisoners) RMS, and intelligence is examining the book visits in institutions begun and class II A in Ambon, Maluku, in room security chief Correctional Institutions, namely: John Litay , and the intelligence the government of Java / Indonesia has recorded and has made a video of the guest book at the Correctional Institution Ambon, Maluku, and note any family or the visit to TAPOL RMS (Political Prisoners, the Republic of South Moluccas) with complete address, so that when This family of all RMS TAPOL so traumatized by the actions of the intelligence.

On 20 November 2011 precisely on Sunday, when all the families, especially families of Prisoners RMS, then there is a temporary come to worship on Sunday, at CHURCH Correctional Institution (LP) in Ambon, Maluku. Taken together before worship carried on, emerged 10 people from the intelligence that came from Jakarta and Maluku Police shooting at the main entrance LP Ambon, Maluku, while the families of the prisoners concerned are entering a place of worship to attend worship together. Before the start of worship in the house of worship located at LP Ambon, Maluku, there is a notice from the state intelligence common to all prisoners families and TAPOL (Political Prisoners) of the RMS, the Institute of Detention that: when the worship has been completed then for all the family should be immediatelybegun and leave the institution.

It is very worrying from each party TAPOL RMS family, because there is usually no such announcement in the house of worship. Usually pembritahuan by the officer on guard when it is precisely in the main post.

Worship starts at 09:15 CEST, and ends at 10:30 CDT.
After completion of worship together, from each family left the inmates rushed chapels in prisons (Correctional Institution) Ambon, Maluku, and headed to the main entrance / front door, heading back to their homes.

Apparently when all the inmates family to the exit must be past the tennis courts, that's where the head of the class II A correctional institution in Ambon, Maluku was standing taking pictures using the cameras (camcorders) shooting overall.

Not just on the tennis court, indoor shooting but in front of the porter, and there are already members of the intelligence which has taken people a person by using cameras (camcorders), and using cell phones. All the prisoners became upset because the family does not or has never been treated like this by the head of the class II A correctional institution in Ambon, Maluku, and the chief security penitentiary (KPLP) what was done by the agency head and the head KPLP was a very subtle, and enclosed with the intelligence cooperation between the member with the prison Ambon, Maluku, to record all addresses are clear to all political prisoners from the RMS.

And as evidenced by the meeting of the Indonesian intelligence agency who served in the Moluccas in the military area command headquarters in Ambon, Maluku, on December 9, 2011 revealed the kidnapping was a cover design for all 10 activists and sympathizers also included the families of political prisoners RMS. Everything is threatened with the design for the kidnapping and murder by members of the intelligence covertly Indonesia who served in the Moluccas.

And at this point the TNI (Indonesian Army), and National Police (Police of the Republic of Indonesia) has been sent by the President of Indonesia in Ambon, Maluku, and certainly across the Maluku islands, as military and police presence is a DOM (Military Operations Area).

For that we of the political resistance RMS, pleaded with Amnesty International, and also to the world organization, namely: the United Nations, in order to provide security guarantees to all RMS activists, and his family, which is under threat in the Moluccas and Java.

This report is made, and for various state and protector of international law organizations in upholding human rights, especially that currently occur in the TAPOL RMS (Political Prisoners, the Republic of South Moluccas).

Thank you for your understanding, may God bless every human being in its truth.

Click on the link:

Military Intelligence and police have been used for riot occurred

Maps of Prisons with Political Prisoners in Indonesia



TNI dan POLRI berupaya untuk membunuh etnis Maluku dan TAPOL di Ambon, Maluku.

Pada tanggal 9 Desember tahun 2011 jam 10:00 s/d 15.30 WIT (Waktu Indonesia Timur) telah diadakan rapat kordinasi bertempat di markas komando daerah militer Pattimura di Ambon, Maluku, yang mana telah dihadiri dari seluruh anggota intelejen yang bertugas di wilayah kepulauan Maluku.

Hasil dan materi pembahasan adalah:        

Persiapan tugas-tugas politik yang terjadi di wilayah Maluku.

Penculikan dan tindak kekerasan terhadap etnis dan suku bangsa pribumi Maluku, yang mana terlibat langsung atau tidak langsung sebagai aktivis RMS yang masih eksis. Sebelum rapat koordinasi badan intelejen di laksanakan ada beberapa rangkaian kegiatan yang telah di laksanakan sebagai tahap persiapan dan pengumpulan data untuk memudahkan pelaksanaan penculikan ini apabila tiba pada waktunya.

Pada awal bulan Oktober tahun 2011 melalui kepala lembaga permasyarakatan kelas II A di Ambon, Maluku, dimana terdapat narapidana aktifis RMS (Republik Maluku Selatan) di tahan, maka telah berlaku ketentuan apabila pihak keluarga dari para narapidana aktivis RMS, melakukan kunjungan ke lembaga permasyarakatan kelas II A di Ambon, Maluku, maka diharuskan untuk membawa Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP/Identifikasi), dan kunjungan dari narapidana RMS di wajibkan untuk mengisi daftar atau buku kunjungan dengan menunjukan kartu tanda penduduk tersebut.

Pada tanggal 18 dan 19 November tahun 2011 atas kerjasama badan intelejen dengan kepala Lembaga Permasyarakatan kelas II A di Ambon, Maluku, yaitu: Farid Efendi Junaedi dan dengan bersama stafnya dari kepala keamanan Lembaga Permasyarakatan (KPLP), yaitu: Yohanis Litay, maka datanglah beberapa dari anggota intelejen di lapas Ambon, Maluku, untuk memantau kehadiran setiap kunjungan dari TAPOL (Tahanan Politik) RMS, dan intelejen tersebut memeriksa buku kunjungan pada lembaga permasyarakatan kelas II A di Ambon, Maluku, di ruangan kepala pengamanan Lembaga Permasyarakatan, yaitu: Yohanes Litay, dan para intelejen pemerintah Jawa/Indonesia telah mencatat dan telah membuat vidio dari buku tamu di Lembaga Permasyarakatan Ambon, Maluku, serta mencatat setiap keluarga atau para kunjungan untuk TAPOL RMS (Tahanan Politik, Republik Maluku Selatan) dengan alamat yang lengkap, sehingga pada saat ini dari semua keluarga TAPOL RMS sangat trauma dengan tindakan dari intelejen tersebut.

Pada tanggal 20 November tahun 2011 tepatnya pada hari Minggu, disaat semua pihak keluarga, khususnya keluarga dari Tapol RMS, saat itu ada sementara datang untuk melakukan ibadah pada hari Minggu, di GEREJA Lembaga Permasyarakatan (LP) di Ambon, Maluku. Secara bersamaan sebelum ibadah di laksanakan, muncul 10 orang dari intelejen yang datang dari Jakarta, dan Polda Maluku melakukan pengambilan gambar di pintu utama LP Ambon, Maluku, disaat pada keluarga bersangkutan dari para tahanan sedang memasuki tempat ibadah untuk mengikuti ibadah bersama. Sebelum ibadah di mulai bertempat di dalam rumah ibadah LP Ambon, Maluku, ada pemberitahuan dari para intelejen negara bagi semua keluarga narapidana umum dan TAPOL (Tahanan Politik) dari RMS, di Lembaga Penahanan bahwa: apabila ibadah telah selesai maka bagi seluruh pihak keluarga harus segera tinggalkan lembaga permasyarakatan.

Hal ini sangat mencemaskan dari tiap pihak keluarga TAPOL RMS, karna tidak biasanya ada pengumuman seperti itu di rumah ibadah. Biasanya pembritahuan lewat petugas yang berjaga saat itu yang tepatnya di pos utama.

Ibadah dimulai dari jam 09.15 WIT, dan berakhir pada jam 10.30 WIT.
Setelah selesai ibadah bersama, dari tiap keluarga narapidana bergegas meningalkan gedung gereja di LAPAS (Lembaga Permasyarakatan) Ambon, Maluku, dan menuju ke pintu utama/pintu depan, hendak menuju pulang ke rumah masing-masing.

Ternyata saat semua keluarga narapidana menuju pintu keluar harus melewati lapangan tenis, di situlah kepala lembaga pemasyarakatan kelas II A di Ambon, Maluku sedang berdiri mengambil gambar dengan mengunakan kamera (handycam), pengambilan gambar secara menyeluruh.

Tidak di lapangan tenis saja, pengambilan gambar tetapi pada ruangan portir depan, dan sudah ada dari anggota intelijen yang mana telah mengambil orang per orang dengan menggunakan kamera (handycam), dan menggunakan handphone. Semua keluarga narapidana menjadi resah karna tidak atau belum pernah diperlakukan seperti begini oleh kepala lembaga pemasyarakatan kelas II A di Ambon, Maluku, dan kepala pengamanan lembaga pemasyarakatan (KPLP) ternyata apa yang di lakukan oleh kepala lembaga dan kepala KPLP itu yg sangat terselubung, dan tertutup dengan bekerja sama antara anggota intelijen dengan pihak lapas Ambon, Maluku untuk mencatat semua alamat yang jelas bagi semua narapidana politik dari RMS.

Dan terbukti dengan pertemuan para badan intelijen Indonesia yang bertugas di Maluku di markas komando daerah militer Ambon, Maluku, pada tanggal 9 Desember tahun 2011 terungkap sudah kedok rancangan penculikan bagi semua aktifis 10 dan juga para simpatisan di dalamnya termasuk keluarga para narapidana politik RMS. Semuanya terancam dengan rancangan untuk penculikan dan pembunuhan secara terselubung oleh angota intelijen Indonesia yang bertugas di Maluku.

Dan pada saat ini TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia), dan POLRI (Polisi Republik Indonesia) telah banyak dikirim oleh Presiden Indonesia di Ambon, Maluku, dan tentunya di seluruh kepulauan Maluku, sebagaimana kehadiran TNI dan POLRI merupakan DOM (Daerah Operasi Militer).

Untuk itu kami dari para tahan politik RMS, memohon kepada Amnesty Internasional, dan juga kepada organisasi dunia, yaitu: PBB, supaya dapat memberikan jaminan keamanan kepada semua aktifis RMS, dan keluarganya, yang mana dalam keadaan terancam di wilayah Maluku dan juga pulau Jawa.

Demikian laporan ini kami buat, dan untuk berbagai negara pelindung dan organisasi-organisasi hukum internasional dalam menegakan hak asasi manusia terutama yang saat ini terjadi pada para TAPOL RMS (Tahanan Politik, Republik Maluku Selatan).

Terima kasih atas pengertiannya, kiranya Tuhan berkati setiap manusia didalam kebenarannya.

Intelijen Militer dan polisi telah digunakan selama kerusuhan terjadi

Peta dari Penjara dengan Tahanan Politik di Indonesia 

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